The Organic Lunchbox
Even though schools have a ways to go before going organic, there are still many options for providing your child with healthy, fun, and organic options. From organic options to fun finger foods, here are some ideas when packing a school lunch: Buy organic ingredientsSubstituting organic meats, cheeses, fruits, and vegetables can significantly reduce the […]
Introduction to Organic Fibers
By now, you may know about the benefits of eating organic food and supporting organic agriculture. But did you know that many of the crops that produce the fibers used to make our clothing and home wares—often those we sleep in every night—account for some of the highest pesticide usage? In fact, it takes roughly […]
Organic Wines
Increasing efforts are being made in one kitchen to the next to eat more consciously. Organic sales continue to rise and consumers are becoming more educated on healthier food options, with organic stealing the scene. In fact, it’s not uncommon to sit down to an entire meal of organic ingredients, and now, even organic wine […]
Cookin’ Couscous
Couscous has been popular among many different cultures, one of the first written recipes for couscous is found in a 13th century Hispano–Muslim cookbook, which references the recipe as "known all over the world.” Many people think of couscous as Middle Eastern or Mediterranean in origin, but it is really from Western Africa, where details […]
Cool as a Cucumber
From traditional English cucumber tea sandwiches to the Indian condiment raita to the Finnish salad kurkkusalaatti and then onto Japanese sushi, the cucumber has found a culinary home in most kitchens around the world. The cucumber is believed to be native to India, and evidence indicates that it has been cultivated in Western Asia for […]
Going Bananas!
After baby cereal, bananas are often the first solid food given to infants. They are easily digested, very nutritious, and taste great. Dubbed "Nature’s wonder fruit," bananas are the only fruit to contain all the major vitamins: A, B1, B2, B6, and C. Bananas are also high in fiber, potassium, and magnesium. Sometimes referred to […]
Recipes for an Easy Breakfast
It is not uncommon to forget to eat breakfast, the most important meal of the day. Between rushing to work or carpooling kids, it seems nothing short of a miracle to have anything to eat in the first place. Having a well-balanced meal that includes protein will keep you from craving a snack before lunch […]
Below are some terms that you may come across as you learn more about organics. Biodynamic—Made popular by Austrian philosopher Rudolf Steiner, biodynamic farming combines organic methods, including crop rotation and composting with special plant, animal, and mineral preparations and the rhythmic influences of the sun, moon, planets, and stars. California Certified Organic Farmers (CCOF)—CCOF […]
The “Dirty Dozen”
Whether you are on a budget and need to prioritize your organic purchases, or you would simply like to know which type of produce has the highest pesticide residues—and which do not—the following guide from the Environmental Working Group will help. 12 Most Contaminated Strawberries Spinach Nectarines Apples Peaches Pears Cherries Grapes Celery Tomatoes Sweet […]
Recommended Resources
The Beyond Organic Radio Environmental Working Farm The Green Local The Organic Consumers Association (OCA) Organic Farming Research Foundation (OFRF) Organic Trade Association (OTA) The Rodale Institutewww.rodaleinstitute.orgUSDA Alternative Farming Systems USDA National Organic
Thank Local Farmers with 4th of July Cupcakes!
Celebrate the 4th of July by honoring local farmers and the spirit of the work they do. Turn the fresh organic ingredients you typically purchase from your favorite farmers market vendors into sweet tokens of thanks and drop the goodies by the market this weekend. Cupcakes, individual tarts or muffins are all good choices. Try […]
Seasonal Shopping Guide
As each season changes into the next, so do the colors and flavors of the farmers’ market. If you are lucky enough to live in a place that provides a year-round market, you might have witnessed the root vegetables of winter give way to the vibrant spring greens, which hold promise for the bright rainbow […]