Flu-Fighting Foods

Winter doesn’t have to mean the misery of colds, flu, and other viral infections if you feed your body what it needs to fight them off. A run-down body that is out of balance internally and externally provides an inviting environment for viruses to come in and stay for a while. While it is difficult […]

Two-Time Olympic Medallist and All-Organic Athlete, Erik Vendt

Erik Vendt retired in 2004 after the Athens Olympic Games due to the amount of stress constant training and world-class competition put on his body. But Vendt has discovered a dietary regimen of all organic foods that has increased his muscle mass and stamina and is adding years to his career. He feels stronger and […]

Q&A: Sara Snow

Introducing Sara Snow from the soon-to-premiere show on the Discovery Health Channel, Get Fresh with Sara Snow! Sara was raised the "natural way"—before it was en vogue to be "green"—and attributes her healthy lifestyle to the food and lifestyle choices she learned growing up. Here, she offers her thoughts on prioritizing organic food choices, a […]

To Salt or Not To Salt

It’s no wonder that salt has gotten a bad reputation lately. We hear salt blamed for everything from heart problems to excess weight to that uncomfortable bloated feeling. We see the term “low-sodium” so often applied to diet plans or products that we believe we must avoid or at least decrease our salt intake in […]

Fishing for Organics

As the organic marketplace continues to grow, government and environmental agencies, farmers, and conscious consumers continue to look for ways to classify products of all kinds as pesticide- and chemical-free. Fish are no exception. Possibly one of the most difficult to classify and, arguably, one of the most heavily contaminated foods available, seafood in general […]

Food Safety 101

It was a food-safety issue that affected 26 states and caused a series of E. coli-related illnesses across the United States, including three deaths. Whether or not you’re a spinach lover was beside the point. Our country quickly became aware of the far-reaching implications of food contamination as it relates to our daily lives. Sadly, […]

Halloween Recipes

Pumpkin Cream CheeseStart the day off right with a festive breakfast of bagels, pumpkin cream cheese (recipe follows), and fresh apples. This meal also works as a great treat for a morning Halloween party at your child’s school. Beat in a bowl:8 ounces softened cream cheese 2 tablespoons brown sugar 1/2 cup of canned pumpkin1/2 […]

Discover Fair Trade

Throughout Latin America, Asia and Africa, family farmers follow generations of tradition to cultivate food products we enjoy everyday. Yet many small-scale farmers in the developing world don’t receive a fair price for their crops. These isolated rural communities lack direct market access, often selling their premium crops below the cost of production to local […]

Food Safety Tips: Produce

Selection Always check “Best if Used by” dates on packaging. Organic produce may not look like its iconic match, but it should not be purchased with cuts or bruises. Keep meats or any items that may leak bagged separately when transporting from the store home. Always avoid food that has a “not quite right” odor! […]

Organic Farming Methods Spotlight: Manure

Manure is used by both conventional and organic agriculture systems to fertilize and enrich soils. The use of raw manure is not regulated on conventional farms, while it is regulated by the USDA National Organic Program (NOP) on certified organic farms. A common myth associated with raw manure use in both organic and conventional farming, […]

Making School Lunches Organic

Thinking outside of the lunchboxWe’ve all heard the frightening statistics on the current state of public school lunches. Produced en masse, most school lunch programs use food that is processed, genetically modified, and contains high-starch ingredients. Rarely are organic options available. However, with child obesity on the rise and pressure to make our school lunch […]

At the Market: Apples

As fall gets closer, everything apple comes to mind. Warm apple pie, apple crisp, apple cobbler. The smell of hot apple cider wanders through the air at the local farmers’ market. Families pick a variety from backyard trees and orchards. And a myriad of favorite apple desserts begin to decorate tables as the holiday season […]