Know Thy Blueberry
July is National Blueberry Month, so here you are folks, a tasty recipe that celebrates thy blueberry! Enjoy. For more information on the blueberry, Blueberry Muffins 1/4 cup organic butter2 organic eggs1/2 teaspoon salt1 cup organic sugar2 cups organic flour2 teaspoons baking powder1 teaspoon vanilla1/2 cup organic milk2 cups organic blueberries (fresh or frozen) […]
Shrimp of Supper
The word “shrimp” comes from the Middle English shrimpe, meaning "pygmy." While shrimp may be small, they are anything but “shrimpy” in their nutrition profile. Low in calories and saturated fat, shrimp are a wonderfully nutritious alternative to meat proteins. Shrimp also offers beneficial doses of omega-3 fatty acids, which improve heart health, offer protection […]
Passion For Pomegranates
Pomegranates are quite unique. Slightly sweet. Slightly tart. Pomegranates are fun to eat, but they do require a little work. Inside the crimson-colored fruit, you'll find exactly 840 arils. These are seeds surrounded by a sac of sweet-tart juice. The arils are held together in layers resembling honeycomb. Simply peel off the arils and pop […]
Brand of the Free
The Brand of the Free line of apparel provides authentic American grownand manufactured graphic clothing for men and women. They embody thoughtprovoking graphics to promote conversation about American pride and ourenvironment. The shirts also feature low impact dyes with graphics printedusing water based, low impact ink to help preserve the planet. Allshirts are manufactured in […]
100 Ways Organic & Natural Leads to a Healthier You
100 Ways Organic & Natural Leads to a Healthier You
Blue Eggs and Yellow Tomatoes
Recipes from a Modern Kitchen Garden
We all know: vegetables plucked from a lush local garden are more flavorful and better textured than those from the supermarket. Trends are shifting towards sustainability and are all about eating organic. But how is a savvy cook supposed to thrive when living in a concrete jungle? Let BLUE EGGS AND YELLOW TOMATOES (Running Press […]
Happy Earth Day
Help celebrate Earth Day by following these every day tips listed on Everyday Earth Day IEveryday Earth Day II
Feeding Your Green Baby
If you are looking to reduce your carbon footprint, making organic baby food is a great way to go. Consider the green facts: Organic—Organic fruits and vegetables are the best choice for making baby food. They are the most natural ingredients, and organic foods drastically reduce harm to the environment. Less waste—When you make your […]
Everyday Earth Day II
Below are some more of our favorite everyday tips for celebrating Earth Day. Avoid cleaners containing phosphates Spring Cleaning is upon us, but phosphates don't have to be. While cleaning your home, you may be unintentionally hurting the air, water and soil around your home. Think twice before your spray a pesticide Pesticides are poisons! […]
Join millions on Earth Day for a Call to Climate
Earth Day 2008 will be the biggest yet! From the national Mall in Washington DC to thousands of events from Togo to Buenos Aires, plus 1,000 college campuses and religious partnerships, join millions of people around the world who will participate in our Call for Climate. Demand that your government take bold, swift and fair […]
Two Angry Moms
With its film festival debut scheduled for March 30th in Kent, Connecticut, as part of the Kent Film Festival, Two Angry Moms will take the discussion of school food to a broader audience. There are nearly seventy-three million school-aged children in America. The Centers for Disease Control predicts that these children will be the first […]