10 Good Reasons To Go Organic
1. Organic products meet stringent standards Organic certification is the public’s assurance that products have been grown and handled according to strict procedures without persistent toxic chemical inputs. 2. Organic food tastes great! It’s common sense – well-balanced soils produce strong, healthy plants that become nourishing food for people and animals. 3. Organic production reduces […]
Top 10 Inflammatory Foods to Avoid
Stay clear of these inflammation-causing foods to instantly upgrade your health. According to statistics from the World Health Organization, about 12.9 million people worldwide died from some form of cardiovascular disease in 2004. Each year, the World Cancer Research Fund estimates that some eight million people died from cancer. Heart disease and cancer, the deadly […]
Breeding the Nutrition Out of Our Food
The present-day sweet corn we serve in summer bears little resemblance to its wild ancestor – a grassy plant called teosinte. A bushy plant with short spikes of grain instead of ears, teosinte has only 5 to 12 kernels in each spike and the kernels are encased in shells so hard you’d need a hammer […]
Health Powers of Asparagus
Asparagus found to have anti-cancer properties. A new study published in the Indian Journal of Pharmacology found asparagus contains certain compounds that have substantial anticancer properties. Researchers tested the compounds, known as shatavarins, on test tubes of human breast, colon and kidney cancer, as well as on mice with breast cancer.All the results showed that […]
Are “Natural” and “Organic” Cosmetics Necessarily Better for You?
Navigating the beauty industry isn’t unlike watching an episode of The Real Housewives of Orange County—you’re equal parts baffled and alarmed, there are flashes of self-loathing, and although you have a sneaking suspicion that it’s bad for you, you can’t help but breathlessly indulge. Throw in abarrage of mostly meaningless buzzwords like “natural” and “organic,” […]
Benefits of Beets
Beets, these ruby red root vegetables provide so much nutritional benefits! Who doesn’t love the deep red color that beets provide. Betacyanin Betacyanin is a type of pigment that ranges from dark red to purple. Betacyanin is being studied for it’s anticancer and tumor fighting effects. It’s also a powerful antioxidant that increases the bodies […]
Tea’s health benefits boost its popularity
Alex Treadway/National Geographic Image Collection via Alamy – India’s tea producers are benefiting from the growing popularity of the drink in the United States. By Laura Ungar, Published: April 1, Washington Post In the latte-obsessed United States, tea is gaining ground as scientists and the public learn more about its benefits. A growing body of research […]
The Health Benefits and Drawbacks of Coffee
One of the reasons we love Care2 so much is their consistency in producing informative, balanced content that focuses just as much on the benefits as it does the drawbacks. That being said, we were very interested to learn about the health benefits and drawbacks of something that millions of us enjoy and at times […]
Kale: The New Food Superhero
It’s no surprise (we hope) that eating a variety of natural, unprocessed vegetables can do wonders for your health. But kale has been standing out amongst its veggie peers lately, recognized for its exceptional nutrient richness, health benefits, and unique flavor. So what exactly makes Kale such a devastatingly healthy superfood? Let’s take a look: […]
All-Natural Air Fresheners
A fun, DIY recipe for making all natural air fresheners that look as great as they smell has been making it’s way around the internet today. If you’re a fan of natural fragrances we highly recommend you take a look at the post. While some manufacturers have published data concerning the environmental impact of their […]