6 Food Myths Debunked
Don’t completely ditch fat-free dressings, and feel free to eat some white vegetables. Nutrition advice comes so fast and furious, sometimes it’s hard to keep track of what’s good and what’s bad for you. And oftentimes when that advice is boiled down to a hard and fast rule, that rule becomes, well, slightly untrue. So […]
White Asparagus & Blue Potatoes: Veggie Color Variations Explained
What’s going on with that freaky white asparagus and neon-purple cauliflower? Believe it or not, this is creative agriculture at work — and thankfully doesn’t have anything to do with genetic modifications or additives. We investigated the science behind these natural phenomena, examining just how much the various color varieties differ in the way they’re […]
Healthy Snacks Made of Real Foods
Tasty, nutrient-packed munchies that satisfy your craving without busting your diet. What do you do when you are starving for something to eat in-between meals? For me, I will start grabbing anything that is edible around me or in the fridge. Fully aware of my tendency to scavenge, I always make it a point to […]
The Best and Worst Ways to Cook Vegetables
Think a raw-veggie diet is the best way to go for optimal nutrition? Think again. Cooking vegetables helps to soften their tough fibrous exteriors and loosen up all the nutritional good stuff that lies inside. In fact, some vegetables, such as tomatoes, are actually more healthful if you eat them cooked, because the process of […]
The Incredible Health Benefits of Ginger Root
Ginger root was first cultivated in South Asia, eventually spreading to East Africa and the Caribbean. Today, you can find it everywhere. The root may look measly and weak, but just like its taste, ginger bears some robust health kicks. Filled with cancer-fighting antioxidants and mighty anti-inflammatory benefits, ginger is your key to vibrant health […]
Health Powers of Asparagus
Asparagus found to have anti-cancer properties. A new study published in the Indian Journal of Pharmacology found asparagus contains certain compounds that have substantial anticancer properties. Researchers tested the compounds, known as shatavarins, on test tubes of human breast, colon and kidney cancer, as well as on mice with breast cancer.All the results showed that […]
3 Vital Foods for Vibrant, Youthful Skin
If you’re on the search for the Fountain of Youth like millions of other people, redirect your attention to these amazing functional superfoods that have been proven to slow the anti-aging process through their nutrient dense, antioxidant-rich, and wrinkle-fighting compounds! Raspberries:Raspberries may be small, but don’t be fooled by their size; this tiny berry can […]
The Health Benefits and Drawbacks of Coffee
One of the reasons we love Care2 so much is their consistency in producing informative, balanced content that focuses just as much on the benefits as it does the drawbacks. That being said, we were very interested to learn about the health benefits and drawbacks of something that millions of us enjoy and at times […]