Skip the Energy Drinks: 20 All-Natural Ways to Have More Energy
As more and more evidence mounts that energy drinks can be harmful—even deadly—you might be looking for some natural alternatives. Here are 20 easy things to try that can boost your energy naturally. Listen to music; just an hour a day can help reduce fatigue. Bonus points if you get up and dance for a few […]
QAI makes predictions for organic industry in 2023
Coming on the heels of the 10th anniversary for USDA Organic as federal law, QAI (Quality Assurance International), a leading certifier of organic and gluten-free products with 23 years of experience, has unveiled its 10-year prophecy for the organic industry based on its more than two decades of experience. This year, QAI has certified more […]
Free “Real Food” Meal Plans
The folks over at 100 Days of Real Food have created 5 free “real food” meal plans to help busy families; making things a little easier for those want to cut out processed food. According to their website, if you follow the instructions below to download the meal plans then this is what you’ll get: […]
9 Steps to Start an Organic Garden
Jodie Frey, Assoc Dean and Dir of Recreation Services works at Lafayette Organic Garden near Metzgar Fields on Sullivan Trail in Forks Township. With an increased focus on pesticides and contamination, many people want to incorporate more organic foods into their daily meals. Sometimes, these organics are priced significantly higher than the conventionally grown counterparts. […]
Revealed: What the Beef Industry Pumps Into Your Dinner
A common industry practice puts consumers at higher risks for eating food contaminated by deadly pathogens — and that’s just the tip of the iceberg. By Tara Lohan Alternet and Global Possibilities, December 13, 2012 If acclaimed authors Upton Sinclair (The Jungle), Jeremy Rifkin (Beyond Beef) and John Robbins (Diet for a New America) haven’t […]
Beat the Sniffles with Immunity-Boosting Foods
In the midst of the travel and cold season, it’s important to incorporate more immune-strengthening foods in our diet. Try adding more of these vitamin rich foods onto your plate this winter: Mushrooms: These fungi have powerful disease-fighting properties that go beyond vitamins and minerals alone. While different types of mushrooms have distinct healing properties, […]
A Magical Paper Extends The Shelf Life of Produce, Organically
Have you ever come home from the market with armfuls of fresh fruits and vegetables only to find them wilting and rotting in the fridge a mere week later? Or even get home from your local produce market with a box full and anxiously scarf down pounds of fruit before it goes bad? So, the […]
Organic Food Products To Be Tested For Residues Starting In 2013
by: redOrbit Staff & Wire Reports – Your Universe Online In order to make sure that farmers are not using banned pesticides or genetically-modified organisms, organic food will be forced to undergo periodic residue testing starting in 2013, USDA officials have announced. The agency first implemented regulations governing organic food production 10 years ago, and […]
Kaiser Permanente advises customers against GMOs
It has come to our attention that Kaiser Permanente, the largest managed healthcare organization in the United States, has advised its members against GMOs (genetically modified organisms) in food. In its Northwest Fall 2012 newsletter, Kaiser suggested membership limit exposure to genetically modified organisms. “GMOs have been added to our food supply since 1994, but […]
“Oprah’s Organics” to Hit the Shelves
It appears that the media mogul Oprah Winfrey is venturing into the organic food business. Several applications for “Oprah’s Organics” were filed last month, according to the US Patent and Trademark Office. The filings indicated toiletry items such as soaps, oils, hair products, sunscreen, as well as expanding into food products like salad dressings, frozen […]
let’s not forget to be thankful for the earth
Thanksgiving is just a week away and many of us will be surrounded by friends and family enjoying an amazing home cooked meal of turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy. With delicious food on our minds, we often forget how the Thanksgiving holiday affects the environment. Of the 248 million turkeys raised each year, over two-thirds […]
What To Takeaway From Prop 37’s Defeat
If you haven’t heard yet, California’s Proposition 37 did not pass, therefore there will be no mandatory labeling of genetically modified food, well….yet. The ballot initiative dramatically gained attention leading up to the vote as massive amounts of opposition commercials hit the airwaves. Corporations not supporting the initiative spent more than $46 million, compared to […]