Plant-Based Protein Powerhouses
Like most people who have a higher health conscious, most vegans and vegetarians have a story about how they came to the decision to live their particular lifestyle. No matter your reasons, one of the challenges for non-meat eaters is making sure they get enough protein every day. But it’s not as big a […]
Plant- Based Protein Chart
The following is a chart is adapted from the USDA Nutrient Database that displays the protein content of vegetarian foods, it does not include any dairy or soy. Please note that in order to determine the amount of protein that is optimal for your body, use the following formula that is based on a vegetarian […]
Grass-Fed vs. Feedlot Beef – What’s the difference?
If asked, most people could not tell you where the meat on their plate came from. In fact, if they wanted to know, it would be darned difficult – if not impossible – to find out. On the other hand, while they may imagine that the beef cow they are eating was once frolicking on […]
Extreme weather calls for extreme crops. It’s hot. By 9 a.m., a dusty desert film radiates hazy stillness over thirsty fields of produce. The air is dry as static, and temperatures are well on their way to a blistering peak of 103 degrees in the desert town of El Centro, California, 13 miles from the […]
Carrot + Zucchini Ribbons + Cilantro Pepita Pesto Recipe
[The Simple Veganista] I have a ton of pepitas (shelled pumpkin seeds) that I need to use up and thought this was a great way to use them. I also had some cilantro on hand and decided to use that. What I really love about cilantro, besides the lovely flavor, is that it’s available in […]
10 Good Reasons To Go Organic
1. Organic products meet stringent standards Organic certification is the public’s assurance that products have been grown and handled according to strict procedures without persistent toxic chemical inputs. 2. Organic food tastes great! It’s common sense – well-balanced soils produce strong, healthy plants that become nourishing food for people and animals. 3. Organic production reduces […]
Top 10 Inflammatory Foods to Avoid
Stay clear of these inflammation-causing foods to instantly upgrade your health. According to statistics from the World Health Organization, about 12.9 million people worldwide died from some form of cardiovascular disease in 2004. Each year, the World Cancer Research Fund estimates that some eight million people died from cancer. Heart disease and cancer, the deadly […]
The Best and Worst Ways to Cook Vegetables
Think a raw-veggie diet is the best way to go for optimal nutrition? Think again. Cooking vegetables helps to soften their tough fibrous exteriors and loosen up all the nutritional good stuff that lies inside. In fact, some vegetables, such as tomatoes, are actually more healthful if you eat them cooked, because the process of […]
Biotech Attack GMO Labeling in WA—Organic Brands Hide Behind Lobby Group
Proposition I-522, a citizen’s initiative on the ballot on November 5 in Washington state, would mandate clear labeling of genetically engineered (GE) ingredients on food packages. It has become the latest battleground pitting consumer and farmer advocates against multi-billion-dollar agribusiness corporations. Recent polling indicates strong support for the Washington state informational labeling measure. But a […]
10 Foods You Think Are Healthy – But Are Not
We are a nation of dieters. We try new fads and new products. We listen to promises of fast and easy weight loss. We also have so many food options that confusion about what’s healthy and what isn’t is the norm – from cookies with vitamins to drinks that will help you lose fat. Here […]
Planting a Fall Garden the Easy Way
Fall doesn’t have to be a time in your garden when your bountiful summer crops simply start to slow down. In fact, in most areas of the country, fall can be one of the most productive times of year in your garden. Many crops thrive in the cooler weather of autumn, and even into winter […]
15 Easy Ways to Detoxify Your Body Today
Our bodies are surprisingly good at detoxification but these processes can easily become overwhelmed due to the volume of toxins to which we’re exposed from our air, water, food, pharmaceutical and over-the-counter drugs, and many other sources. These detoxification processes also rely on many critical nutrients (you’ll discover which ones below) to function properly. Fortunately, […]