The True Costs of ‘Cheap’ Food
Ellen Gustafson for The Huffington Post: If I had a dollar for every time someone said that they don’t buy fruits and vegetables or “healthy food” because it’s too expensive, I could feed a small town all organic food for years! But, of course, it’s true — when you look at the prices of so-called […]
Why Buy a Real Christmas Tree?
Many consumers will be asking themselves that question this holiday season. In this age of environmental awareness it’s appropriate to know a favorite family holiday tradition of choosing a real Christmas tree over an artificial tree is still the environmentally sound choice. “What could be simpler or more natural?” says Bob Scott, President of the […]
How to Find Great Organic Wine
It was the late 1990s when “organic wine” began appearing on store shelves. Many consumers, including this writer, were thrilled to finally discover organic wine options. But according to Adam Morganstern, wine expert and editor of the Organic Wine Journal, many wines that aren’t labeled organic actually are. “Some of the best organic wines in […]
How To Heal Cavities Naturally
The world is slowly waking up to the fact that, when you give the body what it needs, it can heal things we previously thought were impossible. A fine example of what is often deemed as an incurable health problem is dental cavities, but extensive research is now becoming more public about the true nature […]
9 Reasons to Think Twice About Your Holiday Turkey
With Thanksgiving days away, U.S. turkey growers are probably relieved that no arsenic, salmonella or cruelty stories have surfaced like they have other years. But that doesn’t mean the turkey on your holiday table is exactly wholesome. In fact, the chemicals, food additives and extreme production methods used to deliver the nation’s plump, affordable turkeys […]
Your Organic Thanksgiving
Truly appreciate the earth’s bounty this year: Make your meal organic. Thanksgiving began as a harvest festival—a celebration and appreciation of the earth’s bounty. Now it’s easier than ever to honor that tradition with an organic, authentic, and delicious Thanksgiving feast. Look for local sources for your ingredients. Go to farmers’ markets and farm stands, […]
Countless Uses for Coconut Oil – The Simple, the Strange, and the Downright Odd
Coconut oil has been a dietary and beauty staple for millennia. It’s a powerful destroyer of all kinds of microbes, from viruses to bacteria to protozoa, many of which can be harmful, and provides your body with high-quality fat that is critical for optimal health. Around 50 percent of the fat in coconut oil is […]
Your Top 10 Superfoods
When it comes to ditching unwanted pounds, these key ingredients are as powerful as they are tasty. Add them to your plate to lose weight! Wild Salmon Slimming superpowers: The fish’s omega-3 fatty acids could help you fight flab more effectively. They alter the expression of certain genes, shifting your body to burn fat rather […]
What is Permaculture?
` This is a very hard question to answer concisely. Put 10 permaculturalists in a room and you’ll come out with 20 definitions of permaculture. Here are a few. The word permaculture was coined in the mid-1970′s by David Holmgren, a systems ecologist and Bill Mollisonand, a researcher, author, teacher and naturalist, as a combination […]
Tips to Freeze What You Grow
With plenty of gardening comes plenty of produce, but what can you do with all of it? You certainly can’t eat it all at once, and canning everything is a pain in the neck. However, your freezer might give you another option. Saving produce by freezing it is often very efficient, fast and easy to […]
Best and Worst Nuts for Your Health
Should you go nuts? Nuts are nature’s way of showing us that good things come in small packages. These bite-size nutritional powerhouses are packed with heart-healthy fats, protein, vitamins, and minerals. Here’s a look at the pros and cons of different nuts, as well as the best and worst products on supermarket shelves today. Of […]
The Powerful Health Benefits of the Pomegranate
One of the oldest known fruits, found in writings and artifacts of many cultures and religions, the pomegranate (punica granatum) is an original native of Persia. This nutrient dense, antioxidant rich fruit has been revered as a symbol of health, fertility and eternal life. If you’re not familiar with the pomegranate, it is a red […]