10 Apps to Help You Eat GMO Free
As the struggle for GMO labeling rages on, app developers are taking matters into their own hands. By creating apps that allow consumers to determine exactly what is in the products that they buy, these developers are giving you total freedom of choice. These apps all have multiple features for identifying different types of ingredients, […]
Salute Mother Earth on Her Day with Eco-Friendly Wine
When the work day is done and it’s time for laughter on the porch with friends, there’s no better accessory than a glass of good wine in your hand. Unfortunately, in these days of rapid climate change, conservation and the wine industry are increasingly at odds. Every time we buy a bottle now, there are […]
20 Eco-Friendly Easter Egg Ideas
No plastic Easter eggs! Make that your mantra, and you’ve just banned quite a bit of the toxicity of Easter. Besides, you don’t need plastic Easter eggs, not when there are both beautiful, vegan alternatives to plastic eggs, and beautiful, creative, unusual ways to decorate traditional, edible Easter eggs. Want something to fill with candy? […]
Effective Natural Remedies to Cure Spring Allergies
Spring allergy is commonly used to refer to hay fever, a seasonal allergic rhinitis attack experienced by more than 35 million Americans every year as the season changes and many allergens start to blossom – during springtime. As pollens scatter and travel through air, people as far as hundreds of miles away unknowingly sniff them, […]
Organic Gardening: 10 Tips to Success
Organic gardening is the method of gardening that utilizes only materials derived from living things, ie. all natural plant foods and pesticides. Once you know the basic tenets of this practice, organic vegetable gardening is simple. And the payoff is enormous: no toxic chemicals, no waste, better for the environment as a whole, and not […]
10 Foods That a Nutritionist Always has in Her Freezer
People often think that eating healthy takes way too much planning and preparation. Either they hate grocery shopping every week or don’t feel as though they have the time to do so. Luckily, the freezer can make your life much easier. Here is a list of what nutritionist, Kristy Rao, always has in her freezer […]
6 Food Myths Debunked
Don’t completely ditch fat-free dressings, and feel free to eat some white vegetables. Nutrition advice comes so fast and furious, sometimes it’s hard to keep track of what’s good and what’s bad for you. And oftentimes when that advice is boiled down to a hard and fast rule, that rule becomes, well, slightly untrue. So […]
5 New Solutions for Growing Healthy Produce Indoors
An increasing number of people are moving into urban environments and away from traditional agriculture. As a consequence, those who have a mind for self-sufficiency can find themselves falling short. Storable foods are of course an important part of every emergency prepper’s pantry, but storable foods are not a sound long-term solution that contain optimal […]
Top 4 Unhealthy Drinks
It’s important to understand dangerous habits we have, especially those we do on a consistent and daily basis. As long as we refuse to let go, or find healthier alternatives, we continue to leave the toxic tap running into our body while we do very little to get those toxins out. In that vein, let’s […]
How Eating Organic Saves Animals
There has been a lot of debate in recent years about the effect that GMOs and pesticide-laden foods have on human health, but what is rarely discussed is the environmental impact of the use of these chemicals and the harm they cause to animals. It’s clear that food manufacturers are going through great lengths to […]
7 American Organic Beers to Help Ring in St. Patrick’s Day
St. Patrick’s Day is a day to pause and reflect on the great accomplishments and sacrifices made by Saint Patrick, who toiled for more than three decades shamrocking the paganism out of the Irish, turning them into good Catholics. It’s a day for quiet reflection … wait, who are we kidding? St. Patrick’s Day is […]
Detergent-Free All Purpose Surface Cleaner, DIY Style
This all purpose surface cleaner recipe solves a few problems. First and foremost, it gets things clean and kills germs. But even more appealing, is that it’s free from the harsh chemicals found in all those commercial cleaning products. It would be great if some scientists could study whether or not fragrances and detergents are […]