Are “Natural” and “Organic” Cosmetics Necessarily Better for You?
Navigating the beauty industry isn’t unlike watching an episode of The Real Housewives of Orange County—you’re equal parts baffled and alarmed, there are flashes of self-loathing, and although you have a sneaking suspicion that it’s bad for you, you can’t help but breathlessly indulge. Throw in abarrage of mostly meaningless buzzwords like “natural” and “organic,” […]
Green Cleaning Recipes
After a long winter, it’s time for spring-cleaning. Unfortunately, the ever-expanding arsenal of home cleaning products now includes several dangerous weapons, loaded with strong, artificial colors and fragrances and harsh cleansing agents like bleach, ammonia and acids. These chemicals can produce indoor air pollution by off-gassing toxic fumes that can irritate eyes and lungs. (Children […]
10 foods that fight spring allergies
Work vitamin C-rich foods (like citrus and broccoli) into your diet and turn to stinging nettle as a potent natural form of allergy relief. Thanks to climate change, every allergy season is the worst allergy season ever. Warmer temperatures have led to earlier springs and longer allergy seasons, while higher levels of carbon dioxide […]
Farmstand [App]: Discover and Share The Best of Your Local Farmers’ Market
Are you into eating locally grown food? Then you’ll enjoy Farmstand, an iPhone app built to grow and foster your local farmers and food. Farmstand makes it easy to discover and share the best of your local farmers’ market. The iphone app lets you share photos, post deals; and by doing so, support local farmers. […]
Skip the Energy Drinks: 20 All-Natural Ways to Have More Energy
As more and more evidence mounts that energy drinks can be harmful—even deadly—you might be looking for some natural alternatives. Here are 20 easy things to try that can boost your energy naturally. Listen to music; just an hour a day can help reduce fatigue. Bonus points if you get up and dance for a few […]
What To Takeaway From Prop 37’s Defeat
If you haven’t heard yet, California’s Proposition 37 did not pass, therefore there will be no mandatory labeling of genetically modified food, well….yet. The ballot initiative dramatically gained attention leading up to the vote as massive amounts of opposition commercials hit the airwaves. Corporations not supporting the initiative spent more than $46 million, compared to […]
Getting The Dirt On What’s Really Organic
With consumption of organic food throughout the United States on the rise and potential legislative measures, such as California’s Prop 37 and private retailer Whole Foods instituting a third-party organic certification system, consumers are more interested in what their food and other products contain than ever before. Idaho news station KTVB recently investigated the cost of local organic foods […]
All-Natural Air Fresheners
A fun, DIY recipe for making all natural air fresheners that look as great as they smell has been making it’s way around the internet today. If you’re a fan of natural fragrances we highly recommend you take a look at the post. While some manufacturers have published data concerning the environmental impact of their […]