GMO, Yeah? 5 Surprises from an Otherwise Boring Look at Genetically Modified Crops
Researchers at the USDA’s Economic Research Service have stepped back to look at the effect of genetically engineered crops since they were introduced in the U.S. It’s a pretty dry and unsurprising document, but when read carefully a few interesting things jump out. Here’s five. 1. How many GMO trials are there? Tons There have […]
10 Apps to Help You Eat GMO Free
As the struggle for GMO labeling rages on, app developers are taking matters into their own hands. By creating apps that allow consumers to determine exactly what is in the products that they buy, these developers are giving you total freedom of choice. These apps all have multiple features for identifying different types of ingredients, […]
The Natural Effect
Check out the new Only Organic Campaign! The organic seal indicates that food has been grown in ways that has passed nature’s own test for being good for you and good for nature. In this hilarious video “The False Advertising Industry” reveals the shocking truth about what is allowed in “Natural” food. As a reminder […]
Organic Trade Association’s New CEO on the Future of Organics
In the midst of the frenzy kicked up by Cheerios’ GMO-free announcement, the organic world has been buzzing with its own important news after the Organic Trade Association named longtime industry veteran Laura Batcha to become the association’s CEO and executive director. Batcha will take the helm of the North American organization at a time […]
Designer Genes: The 7 Most Common Genetically Modified Foods
Genetically modified material sounds a little bit like science fiction territory, but in reality, much of what we eat on a daily basis is a genetically modified organism (GMO). Whether or not these modified foods are actually healthy is still up for debate — and many times, you don’t even know that you are buying […]
Anti-GMO Coalition: If the Government Won’t Label, We Should Do it Ourselves
We’re still figuring out what exactly happened with Washington’s I-522 labeling bill, but considering some recent news that Big Food plans to make sure GMO labeling cannot happen at the federal level, we’ve got a lot of work to do to make sure people know what they’re consuming! In light of these and other […]
Washington State Voters Reject Labeling of GMO Foods
The initiative would have required labels on foods containing genetically engineered ingredients. (Photo: Robyn Beck, AFP/Getty Images) Washington state voters on Tuesday rejected an initiative that would have required foods containing genetically engineered ingredients to be labeled. The vote was 54.8% opposed to labeling and 45.2% in favor of it. Had it passed, Initiative 522 […]
What GMO Labeling Means To You (Infographic)
If the old adage is true and you are what you eat, would you want to be a genetically mutated ear of corn? Although that paints a pretty terrifying picture, the ethics behind Genetically Modified Organisms (better known as GMOs) are more complicated than one might think. Some studies show that these products are safe […]
Biotech Attack GMO Labeling in WA—Organic Brands Hide Behind Lobby Group
Proposition I-522, a citizen’s initiative on the ballot on November 5 in Washington state, would mandate clear labeling of genetically engineered (GE) ingredients on food packages. It has become the latest battleground pitting consumer and farmer advocates against multi-billion-dollar agribusiness corporations. Recent polling indicates strong support for the Washington state informational labeling measure. But a […]
How to Identify GMOs in Food [Video]
By now you are pretty much convinced that GMOs are not good for health and the environment. But how do you recognize them in your food? Those who live in America will find it’s difficult to identify GMOs in foods that we eat, as many of the GMO foods have creep-ed into our food and […]
Who wouldn’t want GMO labeling in the U.S.?
One thing true about the GMO movement is that not everyone is convinced genetically modified food is dangerous or bad to eat. It’s important, though, to keep the scope of the question in focus. We are not debating whether GM food is good or bad.What we are debating is whether American consumers have a right […]
Yes on 522 Campaign Raises $3.5 Million in Cash and Pledges to Date; 66% of Washington State Voters Favor GMO Labeling Bill
With 66% of Washington State voters surveyed in favor of GMO labeling, the Yes on 522 campaign has raised more than $3.5 million in cash and pledges to date, and is set to withstand significant opposition and spending by biotech and mainstream food interests. by Steven Hoffman, on behalf of Yes on 522 to label […]