GMO, Yeah? 5 Surprises from an Otherwise Boring Look at Genetically Modified Crops
Researchers at the USDA’s Economic Research Service have stepped back to look at the effect of genetically engineered crops since they were introduced in the U.S. It’s a pretty dry and unsurprising document, but when read carefully a few interesting things jump out. Here’s five. 1. How many GMO trials are there? Tons There have […]
The Post-GMO Economy
One mainstream farmer is returning to conventional seed — and he’s not alone As an invulnerable tween, Chris Huegerich, the child of a prosperous farming family, wiped out on his motorcycle in tiny Breda, Iowa. Forty years on, folks still call Huegerich “Crash.” And though he eventually went down a conventional path (married, divorced) and […]
Designer Genes: The 7 Most Common Genetically Modified Foods
Genetically modified material sounds a little bit like science fiction territory, but in reality, much of what we eat on a daily basis is a genetically modified organism (GMO). Whether or not these modified foods are actually healthy is still up for debate — and many times, you don’t even know that you are buying […]
What GMO Labeling Means To You (Infographic)
If the old adage is true and you are what you eat, would you want to be a genetically mutated ear of corn? Although that paints a pretty terrifying picture, the ethics behind Genetically Modified Organisms (better known as GMOs) are more complicated than one might think. Some studies show that these products are safe […]