Add Turmeric to Your Diet
If you’re not using turmeric, now is the time to add it to your diet. Anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and antioxidant properties with benefits to indigestion, ulcers and osteoarthritis and more.
15 Soups That Will Actually Cure Your Cold
1. Coconut Ginger Carrot Soup Creamy is where this incredible coconut ginger carrot soup recipe goes. Have your heard so many delicious flavors in one recipe title? Even better, this soup is an amazing immunity-booster just in time for cold and flu season. 2. Immune Boosting Vegetable Soup Tis the season for colds, flus, and […]
Aloe Vera: Natural Magic Bullet
Aloe Vera is one of the most famous plants in the world. It is considered as a miracle plant because of its amazing healing health benefits. The aloe vera leaf is filled with gel and it is rich in vitamins like B1,B2,B6,B12,A, C and E, Niacin, Folic Acid.The Aloe Vera plant is easy to grow […]
6 Food Myths Debunked
Don’t completely ditch fat-free dressings, and feel free to eat some white vegetables. Nutrition advice comes so fast and furious, sometimes it’s hard to keep track of what’s good and what’s bad for you. And oftentimes when that advice is boiled down to a hard and fast rule, that rule becomes, well, slightly untrue. So […]
Detox Juices and Smothies
Aloe Vera Splash SmoothieA secret ingredient that I use in many of my green smoothies is Aloe Vera gel. Why? Because of its abundant health benefits, of course. Apple Blueberry Fruit SmoothieSmoothies are a great way to obtain instant vitamins and health benefits. Here is a great recipe that contains sweet blueberries, tart granny smiths […]
15 Easy Ways to Detoxify Your Body Today
Our bodies are surprisingly good at detoxification but these processes can easily become overwhelmed due to the volume of toxins to which we’re exposed from our air, water, food, pharmaceutical and over-the-counter drugs, and many other sources. These detoxification processes also rely on many critical nutrients (you’ll discover which ones below) to function properly. Fortunately, […]