Top 10 Reasons to Raise Chickens
Here are the top reasons more people are turning to backyard chickens. Chickens make great pets. They have personality galore, and they’re extraordinarily easy to care for. They’re bright, funny, quirky, friendly, loving little balls of feathers-and they’re entertaining, too. When you have a flock, you’ll find they have their own friends, their own cliques, […]
Building a Covered Greenhouse Garden
If your garden is subject to a lot of wind activity, try building an above-ground covered garden. Building a little green house to protect your vegetabeles from the wind and to elevate the temperature during the colder days. This should also help with the “year round” gardening. Start out with 2x12s at 8 feet […]
Composting 101
Understanding composting can be a bit intimidating. but fear not!…One of our favorite resources, Earth911 has compiled tons of great information to make the process of conjuring up your first compost pile a not-so-complicated challenge, hopefully increasing your knowledge and not stress! According to the EPA, 24 percent of the U.S. municipal solid waste stream is composed […]