Top 5 Popular GMO Foods to Avoid

As you’ve already known, GMO foods are extremely unsafe because of the countless health risks and life-threatening diseases that they can cause in the long run. Even if consumers are now more aware about the negative effects of GMOs, greedy manufacturers still continue to produce and sell them to this day. They certainly won’t be […]

Vegan Valentine’s Day Recipes

Nothing says romance like a cruelty-free Valentine’s Day. If vegan Valentine’s Day recipes seem like they’re out of your wheelhouse a little bit, don’t’ worry! We’ve got lots of ideas for you to choose from! There are even some ideas for entire menus, so this list really has way more than 10 recipes. 10+ Vegan […]

10 Powerhouse Plant Proteins

Easier on the planet’s water and land resources—and often easier on your digestive tract than animal proteins—plant foods offer ample essential amino acids to build muscle and maintain optimal health. From quinoa to lentils to chia, you’ll find these protein-rich plant foods ground into powders, added to breads and bars, and bringing substance to soups […]

29 Amazing Vegan Ice Cream Recipes

Yes, you can make amazing ice cream without a cow in sight. There are lots of different ingredients to experiment with (coconut milk, frozen bananas, avocado, soy or almond milk), and you can do it with or without an ice cream maker (frozen bananas are your new best friend if you don’t have one). Here […]

27 Diagrams That Make Cooking so Much Easier

Including easy ingredient substitutions, basic knife skills, meat marinating times, and more.  1. For making your own vinaigrette Which you should be doing, instead of buying the bottled stuff. It’s healthier and tastier, and it’s really not hard. Here’s everything you need to know about building a better salad. 2. For making substitutions when you’re […]

6 Health Benefits of Blueberries

Consuming fruits and vegetables provide copious health benefits. Produce consumption has been shown to lower the risk of developing various chronic conditions and is protective against certain types of cancer. Experts recommend consuming a rainbow of colored produce to provide the various vitamins and minerals that are essential to maintain optimal health. Do your body […]

11 Vegan Cheese Recipes That Will Change Your Life

1. Baked Almond Feta This recipe is unbelievably good, full of flavor and remarkably like feta. It crumbles like feta but is also creamy enough in the centre to spread onto crusty bread, crackers, toasted bagels – whatever you like. Also, the original recipe drizzled a thyme and rosemary infused oil over top, you can […]

7 Ways to Eat More Healthy Fats

For my New Year’s resolution this year, I am focusing on eating more fat. Yes, that’s right. More fat. Because I am vegan and my diet consists mainly of whole grains, beans, legumes, and fresh produce, I sometimes forget to eat enough fat. Our bodies need fat for virtually every bodily function from regulating hormones […]

7 Waters That Deliver Innovative Nutrition

Coconut water, the subtly sweet and electrolyte-filled beverage touted as nature’s energy drink, recently exploded in popularity. And it opened the floodgates: On today’s store shelves, you’ll find even more unusual specialty waters that deliver hydrating alternatives to sugary fruit juices and sodas. In addition to fewer calories, these new “waters” offer perks such as […]

Make 2015 an Organic Year

2014 was the year of science supporting the benefits of organic food and farming: for human health, pollinator health, and the health of the environment. To help you ring in the new year and truly turn over a new healthy leaf, The Organic Center has transformed the top ten studies of 2014 into New Year’s […]

Aloe Vera: Natural Magic Bullet

Aloe Vera is one of the most famous plants in the world. It is considered as a miracle plant because of its amazing healing health benefits. The aloe vera leaf is filled with gel and it is rich in vitamins like B1,B2,B6,B12,A, C and E, Niacin, Folic Acid.The Aloe Vera plant is easy to grow […]

Holiday Prep Guide for Eco-Lovers: Festive and Green Home Decor

Do you love the holidays, but also the environment? There are plenty of festive ways to incorporate your green lifestyle into your home for the holidays. The first thing to always keep in mind is to simplify. Making things simple reduces costs, stress, and waste, and also gives us the time to slow down and […]