A Healthy Pillow

If you’re committed to living an organic lifestyle, you eat organic foods and have probably replaced toxic household cleaners with products that are safer for your health. Time now to move on and create a healthier environment in the one room where you spend one-third of your life: your bedroom. Look no further than the […]

Organic Tea

For both simple and serious reasons, tea is the superhero of all beverages—most simply because it is versatile. It can be drunk hot or cold, winter or summer, and morning, noon, or night. More importantly, tea is touted for its health benefits including high antioxidant and vitamin C levels and more. Tea has also stood […]

Organic Flowers

If you are one of the many who are choosing organic food to make improvements to your health, community, and environment, we would like to encourage you to look at purchasing organic flowers for the same reasons. And what better time to start than Valentine’s Day? Purchasing organic flowers is a natural extension in supporting […]


Chocolate is perhaps the most frequently craved food out there—people are downright passionate for it—perhaps a great reason why we associate Valentine’s Day with chocolate! In fact, according to Organic Chocolate maker, Dagoba, Americans consume about 11.7 pounds of chocolate per person annually, while Swiss citizens consume even more at 22.4 pounds per person, per […]

Brown Rice for the Family

Some of the key nutrients in brown rice include B vitamins, maganese, selenium, iron and fiber. The health benefits of brown rice read like a laundry list to disease prevention and boosting the immune system. These benefits include lowering cholesterol, reduced risk of diabetes, heart disease, heart attack, stroke and colon cancer, reduced severity of […]

Serving Sizes for Toddlers

Parents often wonder how much food should their little ones (1-2 years old) be eating. Recent media coverage suggests over the past 20 years, restaurants and food companies have been increasing their serving sizes. This trend is considered to be a contributing factor in the rise in obesity (among adults and children). We all know […]

I would love to make my dog and cat homemade food. Where do I start?

I have been making my dog’s food for the last five years, and I believe he has experienced great health as a result. I feed him organic foods and supplements without any preservatives and fillers. When you decide to take on the task of being responsible for every morsel your beloved pets consume, you need […]

I read that conjugated linoleic acids can be beneficial to my health. Do I need to buy the pill form or is it available in foods?

CLA (conjugated linoleic acid) is a trans fatty acid that is available in meat and dairy products and is now available in a concentrated dietary supplement. Recently, there have been some seemingly exaggerated claims based on studies on small animals that large amounts of CLA can provide protection against obesity and cancer. It is not […]

Do you have any thoughts on how to minimize the impact of organic food’s cost premiums?

It would be wonderful if organic food did cost the same as conventional food, but the bottom line is that organic foods are more labor intensive and produce lower yields. Luckily, many areas have food co-ops that sell organic foods as well as other grocery store items at lower prices in exchange for an initial […]

Children and Organic Diets

We all know that organic food is generally more expensive than conventional food and that price is the number-one reason for people’s resistance to purchasing organic. But, it seems to be that inhibition is rarest in the domain of new mothers and their children. A study released this January on Scottish children tells us a […]

Toddler Treat: Cauliflower Soup

Soup is a terrific meal for toddlers. Smooth soups or broths are the best starters soups, because their textures are easily managed in the mouth. Soup also offers a great opportunity to develop "spoon" skills. For those less patient or more hungry, serve soup in a cup and sip away. Never serve soup hot, always […]