Stinging Nettle: How To Identify, Harvest, and Eat
It’s unbelievable how much food you can collect from the wild! Our society is so accustomed to running to the grocery store for food that foraging for wild edibles has become a novelty instead of a necessity. Our ancestors not only knew how to identify wild plants that were edible, but they also wisely used […]
Carrot + Zucchini Ribbons + Cilantro Pepita Pesto Recipe
[The Simple Veganista] I have a ton of pepitas (shelled pumpkin seeds) that I need to use up and thought this was a great way to use them. I also had some cilantro on hand and decided to use that. What I really love about cilantro, besides the lovely flavor, is that it’s available in […]
The Best and Worst Ways to Cook Vegetables
Think a raw-veggie diet is the best way to go for optimal nutrition? Think again. Cooking vegetables helps to soften their tough fibrous exteriors and loosen up all the nutritional good stuff that lies inside. In fact, some vegetables, such as tomatoes, are actually more healthful if you eat them cooked, because the process of […]
Make Meals More A-Peeling
Boost Nutrients in Meals with Fruit and Vegetable Peels Reducing waste and boosting taste to your meals is as easy as adding some apple peel to your sandwich. The skins and other discarded parts of fruits and veggies are packed with fiber and disease-fighting nutrients, so instead of tossing them out, get twice as many […]
25 Healthiest, Nutrient-Dense Foods
In an ideal world, we wouldn’t go first to a pharmacist to address maladies ranging from the common cold to cancer; instead, we’d create grocery shopping lists aimed at fostering optimal health. Good nutrition may not cure disease, but a growing body of research shows it could do something even more powerful: help prevent disease. […]
Eating in Season: 5 July Superfoods to Boost Your Health
It’s hot, and also the time of year for vegetable gardens to be producing bountiful goodies. You likely already know the best method for consuming produce is by growing your own, and you probably know that eating in season is preferable. But whether you have your own supply or shop locally at a farmer’s market, […]
Top 10 Worst GMO Foods
Genetically modified foods (GMO foods) have been shown to cause harm to humans, animals, and the environment, and despite growing opposition, more and more foods continue to be genetically altered. It’s important to note that steering clear of these foods completely may be difficult, and you should merely try to find other sources than your […]
Solstice Harvest: Garlic
Traditionally, garlic is harvested on the longest day of the year – our summer solstice. If you planted your garlic on time (October – December) your crop should ready by this time. And you will be grateful for those extra hours of daylight – pulling garlic can be a hard, long day’s work – but […]
Health Powers of Asparagus
Asparagus found to have anti-cancer properties. A new study published in the Indian Journal of Pharmacology found asparagus contains certain compounds that have substantial anticancer properties. Researchers tested the compounds, known as shatavarins, on test tubes of human breast, colon and kidney cancer, as well as on mice with breast cancer.All the results showed that […]
Your Healthy Gardening Guide
There’s nothing like heading into your yard on a warm spring day and getting your hands dirty — in a good way. “Gardening can be great for reducing stress,” says Alexis Chiang Colvin, M.D., an orthopedic surgeon specializing in sports medicine at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York City. “You’re […]
Companion Planting
May 15th is the traditional cut off date for a final frost. Meaning, starting next week, everything goes – in your garden. I will be seeding watermelons and transplanting chile peppers. As you prepare to fill your summer plot, consider not only what you’re planting, but where you’re planting. The logic and tradition of companion […]
The 2013 Dirty Dozen and Clean Fifteen Produce Guides
For the ninth year, the Environmental Working Group has released its popular Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides in Produce, which includes the Dirty Dozen and Clean Fifteen lists of the most and least pesticide contaminated fruits and vegetables. As always, the samples tested by the EWG are thoroughly washed and peeled so that the areas being […]