Summer Produce Guide: Chard
Chard A relative of the beet, chard is a mellow, earthy green that peaks from June through October. Both the leaves and stems, which are often vibrantly colored, are edible. Sauté the leaves simply with garlic and olive oil, stuff them with filling as you would grape leaves, or use them anywhere you’d use spinach […]
Summer Produce Guide: Watermelon
Watermelon Restorative and refreshing, watermelons belong to a family of vines that include cucumbers, gourds, and other melons. The fruit is thought to be native to Africa, where it has been cultivated for thousands of years; in the U.S., hundreds of varieties are grown, and can vary tremendously in size and shape, with flesh ranging […]
Maximize Your Fruit and Vegetable Freshness
If you’re like many shoppers, you buy a bounty of beautiful produce each week only to have it go to waste in a matter of days. If you’re tired of tossing good food and money, there is a simple solution – and no, it doesn’t involve more frequent trips to the grocery store. The trick […]
Green Foods May Power Your Cells Like Plants
How many times have you heard the recommendation to eat your greens? Kale, bok choy, mustard greens, broccoli and other vegetables have been praised as superfoods and are often rated as the healthiest foods to eat. Although there are many components of these foods that contribute to health like the fiber, minerals, micronutrients and antioxidants, […]
Health Benefits of Brussels Sprouts
Not everyone loves Brussels sprouts, but those little green buds contain some surprising and potent health benefits. With some of the highest plant protein of any vegetable and considerable density in many important vitamins and minerals, there are more than a few reasons to include Brussels sprouts in your diet. Here are some potential health […]
5 Ways Home Gardeners Can Make More Robust Soil
As a child, Kristin Ohlson had easy access to gardens. Her grandparents maintained a small orchard and grew produce on their farm; her parents also planted huge plots of vegetables and flowers each year. While Ohlson didn’t develop a deeper agricultural interest until she grew up (all those hours harvesting vegetables cut into childhood playtime, […]
4 Fall Produce Picks to Boost Immunity
Are you getting enough of this crucial vitamin? An antioxidant, vitamin C promotes wrinkle-free skin, supports good immunity, and may help the body protect itself against some diseases, such as cardiovascular disease and cancer. Oranges and other citrus aren’t the only sources. These fall/winter vegetables offer ample amounts too. With cold and flu season around […]
Cooking with Vegetables from Root to Stem
Ever hear about something that is a new trend and all the rage and think, “I’ve always done that?” One of the food trends for this year is for chefs to put the focus on vegetables. Similar to the whole “nose-to-tail” practice used in cooking meat, there is now a “root-to-stem” practice where no part […]
What to Do When Organic Isn’t an Option
Whether you’re stuck in a food desert or have a tight food budget, you don’t need to be exposed to dangerous pesticides. Despite the fact that organic food is your healthiest option, buying it isn’t always feasible. A recent study conducted by the Consumer Reports Food Safety and Sustainability Center found that, overall, organic foods […]
12 Fruits and Veggies You Should Avoid (If Buying Non-Organic)
Contrary to the old adage, an apple a day may not keep the doctor away. According to the Environmental Working Group’s (EWG) 2015 Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides in Produce, apples topped the list as the most pesticide-contaminated produce for the fifth year in a row. Peaches and nectarines round out the top three “dirtiest” foods […]
7 Natural and Healthy Foods to Boost Your Mood
We did a little research and compared recent studies in order to build the ultimate list of healthy foods, which can help in our constant fight against stress, anxiety and depression. Feel free to browse through the pages and see which healthy foods to eat in order to feel happier. Dark Chocolate It’s no surprise […]
Top 5 Popular GMO Foods to Avoid
As you’ve already known, GMO foods are extremely unsafe because of the countless health risks and life-threatening diseases that they can cause in the long run. Even if consumers are now more aware about the negative effects of GMOs, greedy manufacturers still continue to produce and sell them to this day. They certainly won’t be […]