Organic Brands Caught In The Middle Of Prop 37 GMO Fight
18 other states, including California have attempted to pass laws similar to Proposition 37, The Right to Know Genetically Modified Food Act and failed. With 1 million signatures, Prop 37 is the first such measure to reach the statewide ballot. If passed, genetically modified food products would include the words “Partially produced with genetic engineering” […]
Composting 101
Understanding composting can be a bit intimidating. but fear not!…One of our favorite resources, Earth911 has compiled tons of great information to make the process of conjuring up your first compost pile a not-so-complicated challenge, hopefully increasing your knowledge and not stress! According to the EPA, 24 percent of the U.S. municipal solid waste stream is composed […]
Do certification labels really matter?
More good information from our friends at NewHope360: As consumers grow weary over subpar food regulations at the federal level, manufacturers are increasingly seeking ways to help shoppers distinguish their products from the sea of conventional (and often irresponsibly produced) items. Certification labels—sometimes referred to as eco labels—are skyrocketing in popularity. Among the most ubiquitous? […]