Eating in Season: 5 July Superfoods to Boost Your Health
It’s hot, and also the time of year for vegetable gardens to be producing bountiful goodies. You likely already know the best method for consuming produce is by growing your own, and you probably know that eating in season is preferable. But whether you have your own supply or shop locally at a farmer’s market, […]
10 Ways to Cancer-Proof Your Barbecue
Summer is here. With it come vacations, lush gardens, and barbecues with friends and family. Unfortunately, barbecued food has been linked to an increased risk of cancer. But you can have your barbecue and your health too with if you follow these suggestions. 1. Keep a watchful eye to avoid barbecue flare-ups and the resulting […]
Natural Remedies for Summer Skin Problems
Sometimes summer can be tough on your skin, especially if you’re fair-skinned or sensitive. Between insect bites, rashes, and summer acne, it can be enough to make you want to cover up and hide out. Common Summer Skin Problems • Sun AllergyThere are three different types of sun allergy; polymorphous light eruption, solar urticaria, and […]
Woodstock is a better choice
Organic Gardening recently posted their 7 favorite summer condiments as well as how to create a healthier solution for each one. Woodstock Foods, a Foerstel Design client was a part of the list, earning praise for their organic pickles. Here is was Organic Gardening had to say about Relish and why Woodstock is a better option: Revel […]