Smaller But Better! Organic Tomatoes Pack More Nutritional Punch
Research results yield further proof that organic produce is endowed with enhanced nutritional properties. Organic tomatoes are 40 percent smaller in size and mass than their conventional cousins, but they pack in more nutritional compounds such as Vitamin C, lycopene and other phenolics, a new study has found. Researchers published their findings Wednesday in the […]
Another Reason to Eat Organic
Just when you thought science was saying organic food has no nutritional value, another study from the University of Granada has found a direct correlation between exposure to pesticides and the risk of type 2 diabetes in adults. Published in the Journal of Environmental Research, researchers found that people who had higher concentrations of DDE […]
9 Steps to Start an Organic Garden
Jodie Frey, Assoc Dean and Dir of Recreation Services works at Lafayette Organic Garden near Metzgar Fields on Sullivan Trail in Forks Township. With an increased focus on pesticides and contamination, many people want to incorporate more organic foods into their daily meals. Sometimes, these organics are priced significantly higher than the conventionally grown counterparts. […]
Infograph: What Does “Organic” Really Mean?
[via Loku]