Why You Should Never Eat Non-Organic Green Beans
For real. You definitely don’t want these on your plate, Consumer Reports finds out. Sometimes organic just isn’t available. So is it safe to go the nonorganic route if there’s no other feasible option? While organic is always best if you’re trying to protect your family from chemicals linked to breast cancer, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, ADHD, […]
Make 2015 an Organic Year
2014 was the year of science supporting the benefits of organic food and farming: for human health, pollinator health, and the health of the environment. To help you ring in the new year and truly turn over a new healthy leaf, The Organic Center has transformed the top ten studies of 2014 into New Year’s […]
5 Studies That Link Science Behind the Benefits of Organic
Benefits to Public Health A new study published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health concluded that eating an organic diet can contribute to human well-being. The research was led by Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences-based Dr. Jan Johansson, who reviewed current research on the effect of organic agriculture and crops on […]
5 (More) Reasons the Benefits of Organic Food Are so Incredible
In many cases, organic food does cost more than the conventional options. But the benefits of organic food for you, your family, the farmers and our environment, make it not only a worthwhile expense, but also a true investment into our future. Need more reasons to make sure you’re getting all the benefits of organic […]
How Eating Organic Saves Animals
There has been a lot of debate in recent years about the effect that GMOs and pesticide-laden foods have on human health, but what is rarely discussed is the environmental impact of the use of these chemicals and the harm they cause to animals. It’s clear that food manufacturers are going through great lengths to […]
The Natural Effect
Check out the new Only Organic Campaign! The organic seal indicates that food has been grown in ways that has passed nature’s own test for being good for you and good for nature. In this hilarious video “The False Advertising Industry” reveals the shocking truth about what is allowed in “Natural” food. As a reminder […]
The True Costs of ‘Cheap’ Food
Ellen Gustafson for The Huffington Post: If I had a dollar for every time someone said that they don’t buy fruits and vegetables or “healthy food” because it’s too expensive, I could feed a small town all organic food for years! But, of course, it’s true — when you look at the prices of so-called […]
7 Ways to Stop Eating Pesticides
Pesticides On Foods Aren’t Going Away Anytime Soon, But Here’s What You Can Do About It Last month, the Hawaiian island of Kauai passed a bill strictly limiting how and where large farms and biotech companies can spray pesticides. Bill 2491 will force agricultural companies to disclose when and where they spray pesticides, restrict spraying […]
Organic vs. Local Produce: How To Choose, When You Have To
It’s a bourgeois dilemma, to be sure, but it’s one many produce-loving healthy eaters face: If your neighborhood farmer’s market only sells local blueberries grown with pesticides and the organic ones at your grocer have been flown in from Chile, which do you buy? In an ideal world you’d always have access to berries that […]
The Wonder Spray of Organic Gardening
Though you may not see it advertised much or stacked on pallets at the big box stores, there is a pesticide out there that is non-toxic to humans, rarely harms beneficial insects, and is very effective against a wide range of garden pests. Neem oil. Neem oil is extracted from seeds of the neem tree […]
Scientists discover what’s killing the bees and it’s worse than you thought
As you may have heard, the mysterious mass die-off of honey bees that pollinate $30 billion worth of crops in the US has so decimated America’s apis mellifera population that one bad winter could leave fields fallow. Now, a new study has pinpointed some of the probable causes of bee deaths and the rather scary […]
The 2013 Dirty Dozen and Clean Fifteen Produce Guides
For the ninth year, the Environmental Working Group has released its popular Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides in Produce, which includes the Dirty Dozen and Clean Fifteen lists of the most and least pesticide contaminated fruits and vegetables. As always, the samples tested by the EWG are thoroughly washed and peeled so that the areas being […]