Breeding the Nutrition Out of Our Food
The present-day sweet corn we serve in summer bears little resemblance to its wild ancestor – a grassy plant called teosinte. A bushy plant with short spikes of grain instead of ears, teosinte has only 5 to 12 kernels in each spike and the kernels are encased in shells so hard you’d need a hammer […]
Chefs Back Measure on Labeling G.M.O.’s
By Stephanie Strom, Diner’s Journal, New York Times Alice Waters / Laura Morton for The New York Times More than 700 of the nation’s chefs and professional foodies, from prominent names like David Bouley to up-and-comers like the chef Bryant Terry of Oakland, have lined up to support a California ballot measure that would require […]
Organic Brands Caught In The Middle Of Prop 37 GMO Fight
18 other states, including California have attempted to pass laws similar to Proposition 37, The Right to Know Genetically Modified Food Act and failed. With 1 million signatures, Prop 37 is the first such measure to reach the statewide ballot. If passed, genetically modified food products would include the words “Partially produced with genetic engineering” […]