How to Use Essential Oils for Allergies
Nothing is more frustrating than the unrelenting urge to sneeze, sniffle, and wheeze through a nose plugged up with pollen. Allergies are no fun, but the conventional allergy medications used to treat them can be even worse, often leaving you feeling amped up and groggy all at the same time. But you can find relief […]
Food Is Medicine: 20 Natural Painkillers in Your Kitchen
This fascinating list, based on scientific research, also gives specific information as to which ache or pain a particular ingredient may assist with. The list is understandably very long and it is impossible to comprehensively deal with every ailment and cure listed. Below you can find a list of the top 22 natural painkillers that […]
How to Use Himalayan Salt Crystals For Healing
by Dr. Joseph Mercola Your skin is an excretory organ that mirrors the condition of your intestines. When you take a salt water (brine) bath, the salt minerals penetrate your skin in form of ions. This stimulation will cause natural cell growth in your living cell layers. Bio-energetic weak points will be balanced and your […]
Detecting Nutritional Deficiencies
A healthy diet can provide all nutrients that a body needs, but the reality of our busy lifestyles and sometimes finicky eating patterns can lead to vitamin deficiency. Knowing what to look for is part of the battle. We want to help you in detecting these nutritional deficiencies! HANDS Cold hands: Magnesium deficiency, hypothyroidism, chronic […]
Best Herbs and Supplements for Stress Relief [Infographic]
Tired of living in the age of anxiety? Try one of these gentle, non-addictive remedies.
Home Remedies for Headache Treatment
Headaches, including migraines, are extremely common. Because headaches can stem from a variety of causes, some headache sufferers seek treatment on a near-daily basis. Fortunately, there are several home-remedy treatments that can help alleviate migraine pain and other types of headaches. Lavender Oil Not only does lavender smell great — it’s also a useful home […]
Cucumber Tips & Tricks You Don’t Want to Miss!
Cucumbers contain most of the vitamins you need every day, just one cucumber contains Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B3, Vitamin B5, Vitamin B6, Folic Acid, Vitamin C, Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Potassium and Zinc. For a pick me up in the afternoon… Put down the caffeinated soda and pick up a cucumber. Cucumbers […]
5 Powerful Antibiotics That Don’t Require a Prescription
Hospital antibiotics have become one of the most over prescribed “medicines” today. As a result people have ruined their digestive systems, and ironically, have lowered their natural immunity to all types of infections in the future. Get rid if infections without the digestive destruction, with these five powerful natural antibiotics. Garlic Garlic has been used […]
Effective Natural Remedies to Cure Spring Allergies
Spring allergy is commonly used to refer to hay fever, a seasonal allergic rhinitis attack experienced by more than 35 million Americans every year as the season changes and many allergens start to blossom – during springtime. As pollens scatter and travel through air, people as far as hundreds of miles away unknowingly sniff them, […]
The 7 Best Spices For Healing
Most of us in the field of holistic medicine could spend hours discussing different approaches to food and diet. However, I think that we often overlook the power that a diet varied in an abundance of spices can provide. The history of spices is simply fascinating. Did you know that wars were fought over spices […]
Breakfast Boosters: 14 Foods to Fight Off a Cold
Kiwi Kiwis contain between 90 and 110 milligrams of vitamin C — more than an average orange. They are a good source of potassium, an important mineral for strong muscles and nerves, plus immune-boosting vitamin E. They are also packed with flavonoids and carotenoids — antioxidants that promote respiratory health, heart health and optimum well-being, […]
Immune-Boosting Pho Recipe
Whether you tend to approach cold and flu season by crossing your fingers and hoping for the best, or by stocking your cupboards with an arsenal of natural immunity-boosters, I’ve got a recipe for you that I think could revolutionize your approach to staying healthy this winter. It’s a delicious version of pho, the traditional […]