17 Delicious Apple Recipes for Fall
Sparkling Apple Cider Sangria After you’ve stuffed yourself with Honeycrisps, Sweet Tangos, and Jonagolds at the farmers market, you should start thinking about ways to incorporate your favorite fall fruit into your daily meals. From puffed apple pancake for breakfast, to stuffed streusel apples for dessert, plus savory goodness like a roasted apple and winter […]
The Best Apples for Baking
Brown Butter Apple Loaf Apples are one of our favorite fruits to bake with — they’re inexpensive, easy to find, available year round, and last a long time. Whether they’re baked into a pie, grated into muffins, or shingled into a beautiful tart, this fruit can do it all. But not all apples are designed […]
It’s Harvest Time! 10 Snacks We Fall For
Falling for autumn we are; the cozy, warm harvest comes as a welcome reprise from the fruity wiles of summer. Crisp red apples, hearty sundry squashes, hot spices and comforting soups, what a celebratory time of plenty filled with gratitude for the fruitfulness of life and deliciousness wafting in the wind. Here are our chosen […]
What to Plant in August
The garden doesn’t have to stop producing just because summer is waning. In fact, August is the perfect time to add some variety and get a second season harvest from your space. Plant these garden favorites and harvest right through the fall and have plenty to preserve for winter as well. Kale If you haven’t […]
Your Organic Thanksgiving
Truly appreciate the earth’s bounty this year: Make your meal organic. Thanksgiving began as a harvest festival—a celebration and appreciation of the earth’s bounty. Now it’s easier than ever to honor that tradition with an organic, authentic, and delicious Thanksgiving feast. Look for local sources for your ingredients. Go to farmers’ markets and farm stands, […]
Tips to Freeze What You Grow
With plenty of gardening comes plenty of produce, but what can you do with all of it? You certainly can’t eat it all at once, and canning everything is a pain in the neck. However, your freezer might give you another option. Saving produce by freezing it is often very efficient, fast and easy to […]
My Favorite Pumpkin Pie Recipe
Happy October 1st! As summer gives way to the harvest season, I notice many surprises, especially when shopping. As I walk into the grocery store I quickly notice, they have pumpkins! I get really excited cause really, this is the only time my family and I make my favorite pumpkin pie…and I thought this would be […]