How Eating Organic Saves Animals
There has been a lot of debate in recent years about the effect that GMOs and pesticide-laden foods have on human health, but what is rarely discussed is the environmental impact of the use of these chemicals and the harm they cause to animals. It’s clear that food manufacturers are going through great lengths to […]
The Natural Effect
Check out the new Only Organic Campaign! The organic seal indicates that food has been grown in ways that has passed nature’s own test for being good for you and good for nature. In this hilarious video “The False Advertising Industry” reveals the shocking truth about what is allowed in “Natural” food. As a reminder […]
Put Down That Doughnut: FDA Takes on Trans Fats
(CNN) — So long, margarine: Artificial trans fat in foods may eventually become a thing of the past. The Food and Drug Administration on Thursday took a first step toward potentially eliminating most trans fat from the food supply, saying it has made a preliminary determination that a major source of trans fats — partially […]
Washington State Voters Reject Labeling of GMO Foods
The initiative would have required labels on foods containing genetically engineered ingredients. (Photo: Robyn Beck, AFP/Getty Images) Washington state voters on Tuesday rejected an initiative that would have required foods containing genetically engineered ingredients to be labeled. The vote was 54.8% opposed to labeling and 45.2% in favor of it. Had it passed, Initiative 522 […]
The Power of Labeling: Preserving & Building a Non-GMO Food Supply
When California Proposition 37 failed to pass at the polls last November, all of us who advocate for the right to know were profoundly disappointed. However, the measure, which would have mandated labeling of foods containing genetically engineered ingredients, garnered more than 6 million votes, and was actually a great case of “losing forward.” Despite […]
Would GMO Labeling Jack Up Food Prices?
The push to require labels for genetically modified food, which flared up in California before drowning under a flood of industry cash last year, is now underway in Washington state. Predictably, agrichemical and organic interests are pouring money into, respectively, defeating and supporting a ballot initiative called I-522, which would require foods containing GMO ingredients […]
Biotech Attack GMO Labeling in WA—Organic Brands Hide Behind Lobby Group
Proposition I-522, a citizen’s initiative on the ballot on November 5 in Washington state, would mandate clear labeling of genetically engineered (GE) ingredients on food packages. It has become the latest battleground pitting consumer and farmer advocates against multi-billion-dollar agribusiness corporations. Recent polling indicates strong support for the Washington state informational labeling measure. But a […]
How to Identify GMOs in Food [Video]
By now you are pretty much convinced that GMOs are not good for health and the environment. But how do you recognize them in your food? Those who live in America will find it’s difficult to identify GMOs in foods that we eat, as many of the GMO foods have creep-ed into our food and […]
Who’s paying for GMO-labeling initiative campaigns?
Groups opposed to labeling genetically modified food outspent those in favor 5 to 1 last year when Californians voted on a labeling ballot measure. But the tables are turned in the run-up to an initiative vote in Washington state. So far, pro-labeling groups have spent more than $4 for every $1 spent by those opposed, […]
14-year-old Debates GMOs with Condescending TV Host
A Canadian television host’s attempts to school a 14-year-old girl did not quite go according to plan. Kevin O’Leary, the co-host of the popular CBC business news program “The Lang and O’Leary Exchange,” must have thought he had laid the perfect trap for teen anti-GMO activist Rachel Parent. The problem for O’Leary is that Parent, […]
Organic vs. Natural: They’re Not The Same!
There’s a lot of confusion out there about the distinction between organic and natural, and we think it’s a shame, because the differences can be huge! The first thing you should understand is that, except for meat, “natural” doesn’t have a set, strictly defined or regulated definition, while “organic” does. When you see the word […]
Why to Support Labeling GM Foods
Many U.S. states have mandatory labeling of genetically modified foods on their legislative agendas. Survey after survey shows that more than 90 percent of us want GM foods to be labeled. Now is the time to contact your elected representatives and let them know you’re concerned about genetically modified food. Genes form the building blocks […]