Food Is Medicine: 20 Natural Painkillers in Your Kitchen
This fascinating list, based on scientific research, also gives specific information as to which ache or pain a particular ingredient may assist with. The list is understandably very long and it is impossible to comprehensively deal with every ailment and cure listed. Below you can find a list of the top 22 natural painkillers that […]
11 Healthiest Cooking Oils
Olive oil isn’t your only option. From coconut to sesame, learn how to take advantage of the flavor, nutrition, and cooking profiles of the many healthy oils available at your natural foods store. Confused by all the processing methods and terms? Here’s your cheat sheet: Expeller-pressed: Oil is mechanically extracted by squeezing nuts, seeds, fruits, […]
Home Remedies for Headache Treatment
Headaches, including migraines, are extremely common. Because headaches can stem from a variety of causes, some headache sufferers seek treatment on a near-daily basis. Fortunately, there are several home-remedy treatments that can help alleviate migraine pain and other types of headaches. Lavender Oil Not only does lavender smell great — it’s also a useful home […]
Wheat Free Alternative Grains and Other Plant Sources
Whole grains are a big part of a healthy diet. They make up a large part of the bottom of the food pyramid. But it’s not just whole wheat and brown rice. As you take on the wheat-free lifestyle, you soon discover the wide variety of grains to choose from. In recent years there has […]
How To: Add More Flaxseed To Your Family’s Diet
Flaxseed is rich in Omega-3 alpha-linolenic acid and fiber, nutritional beneficials it is likely your family could use more of. If you have never purchased flaxseed, it is located in the baking section of most supermarkets. It is available as whole seeds or ground—finely ground flax seed yields the most nutritional benefits. Whole seeds can be […]