Reducing Food Waste Takes More Than Finishing Your Plate
In southeast Costa Rica near the Panamanian border, there’s a group of farmers growing bananas and cocoa without pesticides. Two indigenous groups work communally owned land in the buffer zone surrounding La Amistad National Park. Their cooperative is called the Talamanca Small Farmers Association. But Talamanca’s growers face the same discouraging problem year after year: […]
The Post-GMO Economy
One mainstream farmer is returning to conventional seed — and he’s not alone As an invulnerable tween, Chris Huegerich, the child of a prosperous farming family, wiped out on his motorcycle in tiny Breda, Iowa. Forty years on, folks still call Huegerich “Crash.” And though he eventually went down a conventional path (married, divorced) and […]
Farmstand [App]: Discover and Share The Best of Your Local Farmers’ Market
Are you into eating locally grown food? Then you’ll enjoy Farmstand, an iPhone app built to grow and foster your local farmers and food. Farmstand makes it easy to discover and share the best of your local farmers’ market. The iphone app lets you share photos, post deals; and by doing so, support local farmers. […]
National Farmworker Awareness Week highlights a dirty labor plight
This week it’s time to pay some respect to the folks who actually do most of that farming work. The vast majority of our stateside fruits and vegetables are handpicked by more than 3 million migrant and seasonal farmworkers. Without those farmworkers, we’d be very hungry. But as a whole those workers are treated badly: […]
2012 Food and Farm Bill
Last week, Washington D.C. became the food capital of the country as the Senate debated the 2012 Food and Farm Bill, culminating in the passage of the Agriculture Reform, Food and Jobs Act of 2012. If you’re asking yourself “What does this mean for me?” you’re not the only one. What it means is that […]