7 American Organic Beers to Help Ring in St. Patrick’s Day
St. Patrick’s Day is a day to pause and reflect on the great accomplishments and sacrifices made by Saint Patrick, who toiled for more than three decades shamrocking the paganism out of the Irish, turning them into good Catholics. It’s a day for quiet reflection … wait, who are we kidding? St. Patrick’s Day is […]
The Wonder Spray of Organic Gardening
Though you may not see it advertised much or stacked on pallets at the big box stores, there is a pesticide out there that is non-toxic to humans, rarely harms beneficial insects, and is very effective against a wide range of garden pests. Neem oil. Neem oil is extracted from seeds of the neem tree […]
Have an Eco-Friendly Labor Day Celebration
Backyard barbecuing and Labor Day go together like Fourth of July and fireworks. But neighborhood grill-outs are traditionally not the eco-friendliest of soirees. Disposable (and potentially BPA-filled) flatware, plates and napkins, hot dogs chock-full of nitrites or hamburgers filled with hormones roasting over an open chemical flame: probably not the best way to commune with […]
10 Easy & Inexpensive Tips for an Eco-Friendly Home
Simple yet effective ways to green your home. Outfitting your home with the latest and greatest environmentally friendly appliances and accessories may make you super trendy, but it can also stress your budget and actually end up being bad for the environment. How can that be? Throwing out one appliance or accessory to replace it […]