Ditch Refined Sugar Now!
Christmas is right around the corner, and that means loads of cookies to be eaten! Did you know refined sugar is the devil? Always avoid it whenever possible and that means in my cabinets too. I don’t buy white sugar EVER. The closest thing I get to white sugar is sucanat or organic evaporated cane […]
Glycemic Index 101
Curious what the glycemic index actually means and if it’s relevant to you? Find out here what it is and why you should keep it in mind when shopping and eating. Glycemic index and glycemic load offer information about how foods affect blood sugar and insulin. The lower a food’s glycemic index (or glycemic load), […]
Another Reason to Eat Organic
Just when you thought science was saying organic food has no nutritional value, another study from the University of Granada has found a direct correlation between exposure to pesticides and the risk of type 2 diabetes in adults. Published in the Journal of Environmental Research, researchers found that people who had higher concentrations of DDE […]
The Health Benefits and Drawbacks of Coffee
One of the reasons we love Care2 so much is their consistency in producing informative, balanced content that focuses just as much on the benefits as it does the drawbacks. That being said, we were very interested to learn about the health benefits and drawbacks of something that millions of us enjoy and at times […]