What Is Non-GMO? What Are Genetically Modified Foods?
Non-GMO means non-genetically modified organisms. GMOs (genetically modified organisms), are novel organisms created in a laboratory using genetic modification/engineering techniques. Scientists and consumer and environmental groups have cited many health and environmental risks with foods containing GMOs. As a result of the risks, many people in the United States and around the world are demanding […]
Top 5 Popular GMO Foods to Avoid
As you’ve already known, GMO foods are extremely unsafe because of the countless health risks and life-threatening diseases that they can cause in the long run. Even if consumers are now more aware about the negative effects of GMOs, greedy manufacturers still continue to produce and sell them to this day. They certainly won’t be […]
Buzzing About Bee Free Honee
Bee populations have been dying at a rate which the US government says is economically unsustainable. Honey bees pollinate plants that produce about a quarter of US consumer foods. In fact, some recent articles have said the rate of honey bee losses in the US are ‘economically unsustainable’; according to a report by the […]
Organic Gardening: 10 Tips to Success
Organic gardening is the method of gardening that utilizes only materials derived from living things, ie. all natural plant foods and pesticides. Once you know the basic tenets of this practice, organic vegetable gardening is simple. And the payoff is enormous: no toxic chemicals, no waste, better for the environment as a whole, and not […]
How Eating Organic Saves Animals
There has been a lot of debate in recent years about the effect that GMOs and pesticide-laden foods have on human health, but what is rarely discussed is the environmental impact of the use of these chemicals and the harm they cause to animals. It’s clear that food manufacturers are going through great lengths to […]
Top Five Reasons to Label GMO Food
October has been designated Non-GMO Month, the month to focus on why we need to regulate genetically modified organisms (GMOs) closely. To further understand what GMOs are, go to www.nongmoproject.org. Here are my five top reasons for why we must label GMO food! 1) The research proving the safety of GMOs is flawed. First, the […]
Companion Planting
May 15th is the traditional cut off date for a final frost. Meaning, starting next week, everything goes – in your garden. I will be seeding watermelons and transplanting chile peppers. As you prepare to fill your summer plot, consider not only what you’re planting, but where you’re planting. The logic and tradition of companion […]
Smaller But Better! Organic Tomatoes Pack More Nutritional Punch
Research results yield further proof that organic produce is endowed with enhanced nutritional properties. Organic tomatoes are 40 percent smaller in size and mass than their conventional cousins, but they pack in more nutritional compounds such as Vitamin C, lycopene and other phenolics, a new study has found. Researchers published their findings Wednesday in the […]
Labeling GMO Crops [video]
The current issue isn’t about banning GMO crops in the United States, it’s about labeling them – a consumer’s right to know. We will work on getting them banned as our next step.
Urban Foraging
Today’s post comes from Bistro OneSix, an entertaining blog full of stories about all things delicious. Enjoy this post about urban foraging and then head over to Bistro OneSix for more fabulous tales from the kitchen. I hear the term “urban foraging” tossed around more and more lately and knew what my definition of it […]
HOW TO: Enjoy Your Labor Day Weekend
You probably don’t need anyone to tell you how to spend your Labor Day weekend, but the fine folks at Organic Gardening came up with a list of a few nifty ways to enjoy the long weekend. We think they’re pretty great, so we figured we’d share them with you. Enjoy! 1. Go to a farmers’ […]
Eat your fruits and vegetables!
The health benefits of a diet rich in fruits and vegetables outweigh the risks of pesticide exposure. Use EWG’s Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides™ to reduce your exposures as much as possible, but eating conventionally-grown produce is far better than not eating fruits and vegetables at all. The Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides in Produce™ will help […]