26 Vegan Recipes for Comfort Food
1. Butternut Squash Mac ‘n Cheeze: Two Ways Butternut squash pureed into macaroni and cheese just sounds like a match made in heaven, doesn’t it? It is also a fun way to sneak in another veggie. Get the recipe here. 2. Nirvana Enchilada Casserole Layers of corn tortilla sopping up spicy, fragrant, red sauce […]
20 Gluten-Free Treats for the Holiday Season
It’s mid-December, which means it’s time for some holiday sweets. You won’t find wheat flour in any of these sweets, but it’s one ingredient you’ll never miss. Whether you follow a gluten-free diet or not, these desserts from cookies and candy to cakes and edible gifts, will make your holiday season complete. 1. Caramel Pecan […]
Ditch Refined Sugar Now!
Christmas is right around the corner, and that means loads of cookies to be eaten! Did you know refined sugar is the devil? Always avoid it whenever possible and that means in my cabinets too. I don’t buy white sugar EVER. The closest thing I get to white sugar is sucanat or organic evaporated cane […]
8 Gluten-Free Recipes You Need to Know Now
Going gluten-free can really hit hard. But chin up: There’s absolutely nothing that they can make with gluten which we can’t make without. These eight gluten-free recipes are the ones you want to master so that you really just won’t feel the pinch of that missing gluten — and you won’t be tempted to cheat […]