26 Vegan Recipes for Comfort Food
1. Butternut Squash Mac ‘n Cheeze: Two Ways Butternut squash pureed into macaroni and cheese just sounds like a match made in heaven, doesn’t it? It is also a fun way to sneak in another veggie. Get the recipe here. 2. Nirvana Enchilada Casserole Layers of corn tortilla sopping up spicy, fragrant, red sauce […]
Beat the Holiday Blahs With These 5 Mood-Boosting Foods
“You’re such a killjoy!” I chided my friend. Driving back from The Grove, a particular Christmas song came on the radio and she immediately changed stations. I gave her a bewildered how could you hate the holidays? look. “Those songs just trigger unpleasant memories for me,” she replied. “Compound those feelings with the pressure to […]