7 Homemade Ice Pops That Go Beyond Juice
It’s time to break out that ice pop mold! Do you own an ice pop mold? Maybe you bought it for a special recipe once and now it’s just taking up space in your cupboard? Now’s the time to pull it out. It’s hot out. And nothing beats the heat like something frozen. I’m guessing […]
6 Food Myths Debunked
Don’t completely ditch fat-free dressings, and feel free to eat some white vegetables. Nutrition advice comes so fast and furious, sometimes it’s hard to keep track of what’s good and what’s bad for you. And oftentimes when that advice is boiled down to a hard and fast rule, that rule becomes, well, slightly untrue. So […]
Top 4 Unhealthy Drinks
It’s important to understand dangerous habits we have, especially those we do on a consistent and daily basis. As long as we refuse to let go, or find healthier alternatives, we continue to leave the toxic tap running into our body while we do very little to get those toxins out. In that vein, let’s […]
Tea’s health benefits boost its popularity
Alex Treadway/National Geographic Image Collection via Alamy – India’s tea producers are benefiting from the growing popularity of the drink in the United States. By Laura Ungar, Published: April 1, Washington Post In the latte-obsessed United States, tea is gaining ground as scientists and the public learn more about its benefits. A growing body of research […]
The Health Benefits and Drawbacks of Coffee
One of the reasons we love Care2 so much is their consistency in producing informative, balanced content that focuses just as much on the benefits as it does the drawbacks. That being said, we were very interested to learn about the health benefits and drawbacks of something that millions of us enjoy and at times […]
How To: Add More Flaxseed To Your Family’s Diet
Flaxseed is rich in Omega-3 alpha-linolenic acid and fiber, nutritional beneficials it is likely your family could use more of. If you have never purchased flaxseed, it is located in the baking section of most supermarkets. It is available as whole seeds or ground—finely ground flax seed yields the most nutritional benefits. Whole seeds can be […]
All-Natural Air Fresheners
A fun, DIY recipe for making all natural air fresheners that look as great as they smell has been making it’s way around the internet today. If you’re a fan of natural fragrances we highly recommend you take a look at the post. While some manufacturers have published data concerning the environmental impact of their […]