What Is Non-GMO? What Are Genetically Modified Foods?
Non-GMO means non-genetically modified organisms. GMOs (genetically modified organisms), are novel organisms created in a laboratory using genetic modification/engineering techniques. Scientists and consumer and environmental groups have cited many health and environmental risks with foods containing GMOs. As a result of the risks, many people in the United States and around the world are demanding […]
Do You Know About Bioregional Eating?
Eating bioregionally is gaining in popularity. Here’s what you need to know, including how it differs from the locavore moment. Growing local has its merits, but a growing movement suggests perhaps we need to let the region dictate what we grow locally. (Photo: Arina P Habich/Shutterstock) There’s a growing trend in sustainable food that sort […]
Your Organic Thanksgiving
Truly appreciate the earth’s bounty this year: Make your meal organic. Thanksgiving began as a harvest festival—a celebration and appreciation of the earth’s bounty. Now it’s easier than ever to honor that tradition with an organic, authentic, and delicious Thanksgiving feast. Look for local sources for your ingredients. Go to farmers’ markets and farm stands, […]
Is Big Organic Bad?
How organics’ growth has changed the food landscape—for better and worse. Every winter I visit my dad in central Idaho, where the snow piles high along the two-lane interstate that slices the state from north to south and guides travelers through serene valleys and canyons dotted with tiny rural towns. In McCall, Idaho, nearby farms […]
Grass-Fed vs. Feedlot Beef – What’s the difference?
If asked, most people could not tell you where the meat on their plate came from. In fact, if they wanted to know, it would be darned difficult – if not impossible – to find out. On the other hand, while they may imagine that the beef cow they are eating was once frolicking on […]
Farmstand [App]: Discover and Share The Best of Your Local Farmers’ Market
Are you into eating locally grown food? Then you’ll enjoy Farmstand, an iPhone app built to grow and foster your local farmers and food. Farmstand makes it easy to discover and share the best of your local farmers’ market. The iphone app lets you share photos, post deals; and by doing so, support local farmers. […]
let’s not forget to be thankful for the earth
Thanksgiving is just a week away and many of us will be surrounded by friends and family enjoying an amazing home cooked meal of turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy. With delicious food on our minds, we often forget how the Thanksgiving holiday affects the environment. Of the 248 million turkeys raised each year, over two-thirds […]