Best and Worst Nuts for Your Health
Should you go nuts? Nuts are nature’s way of showing us that good things come in small packages. These bite-size nutritional powerhouses are packed with heart-healthy fats, protein, vitamins, and minerals. Here’s a look at the pros and cons of different nuts, as well as the best and worst products on supermarket shelves today. Of […]
Best and Worst Foods for Pain
Some research suggests that certain foods may affect rheumatoid arthritis symptoms. What you eat is crucial for so many conditions—such as diabetes—that it would be great if the right food could also help ease chronic pain. Unfortunately, the link between food and pain is not as clear. However, inflammation is a key cause of pain […]
The Best and Worst Foods for Digestion
Good for your gut In theory, you should be able to digest just about any type of food you put in your mouth. But changes in food processing and preparation (think fried) not to mention lifestyle (think sedentary) mean our stomachs don’t always react well to everything we eat. It’s best to avoid some food—like […]