Farmacology: What Business Can Learn from Sustainable Farming
Medical and business communities can take surprising lessons from farming and improve employee well-being and productivity. Frustrated that conventional medicine had little to offer many of her patients, Daphne Miller, a practicing physician and professor of family medicine at the University of California at San Francisco, decided to take a look at how human health […]
Biotech Attack GMO Labeling in WA—Organic Brands Hide Behind Lobby Group
Proposition I-522, a citizen’s initiative on the ballot on November 5 in Washington state, would mandate clear labeling of genetically engineered (GE) ingredients on food packages. It has become the latest battleground pitting consumer and farmer advocates against multi-billion-dollar agribusiness corporations. Recent polling indicates strong support for the Washington state informational labeling measure. But a […]
Chefs Back Measure on Labeling G.M.O.’s
By Stephanie Strom, Diner’s Journal, New York Times Alice Waters / Laura Morton for The New York Times More than 700 of the nation’s chefs and professional foodies, from prominent names like David Bouley to up-and-comers like the chef Bryant Terry of Oakland, have lined up to support a California ballot measure that would require […]