8 Foods Even The Experts Won’t Eat

Food scientists are shedding light on items loaded with toxins and chemicals–and simple swaps for a cleaner diet and supersized health. Experts from different areas of specialty explain why they won’t eat these eight foods. Clean eating means choosing fruits, vegetables, and meats that are raised, grown, and sold with minimal processing. Often they’re organic, […]

How to Use Apple Cider Vinegar For Healthier Skin and Hair

The skin and hair care industries are behemoths, making stacks upon stacks of money by promising healthier hair and brighter skin. They often use clever marketing to play off our insecurities, telling us if we were just less freckly, more even-toned, tanner, lighter, or brighter, we would be beautiful. They follow that up with offering […]

How to Freeze Peppers

If you like frozen peppers in the winter, just imagine how good it would taste if you had picked a bag yourself and then quickly froze it at home!  It is also one of the simplest ways to put up a vegetable for the winter. Here’s how to do it, complete instructions in easy steps […]

Nut Butter Battle: Almond vs. Peanut

In recent years, almond butter was somehow anointed the chosen nut butter among health-conscious eaters, who smear it on their sprouted breads and gaze upon peanut butter as its low-brow relative. But the creamy almond treat is not cheap (it’s often about double the price of peanut), and when pressed, most people really can’t tell […]

Organic vs. Local Produce: How To Choose, When You Have To

It’s a bourgeois dilemma, to be sure, but it’s one many produce-loving healthy eaters face: If your neighborhood farmer’s market only sells local blueberries grown with pesticides and the organic ones at your grocer have been flown in from Chile, which do you buy? In an ideal world you’d always have access to berries that […]

Stinging Nettle: How To Identify, Harvest, and Eat

It’s unbelievable how much food you can collect from the wild! Our society is so accustomed to running to the grocery store for food that foraging for wild edibles has become a novelty instead of a necessity. Our ancestors not only knew how to identify wild plants that were edible, but they also wisely used […]

Eco-Friendly Ways to Decorate Your House for Halloween

Hosting a hoard of ghost and goblins for Halloween? No party is complete without spooky decorations, but most of the stuff now crowding the store aisles is made from plastic, toxic paints and synthetic fabrics. Setting the stage for a scary Halloween party doesn’t require all of this spending and waste. In fact, you can […]

Bananas just as good as Gatorade for sports performance

As the battle between naturally functional and functionally fortified rages on, a recent study scores a hit for bananas.  A recent study recruited 14 trained cyclists to ingest either bananas or Gatorade during 75km of high-exertion time trialing to see how each carbohydrate and nutrient source affected performance and recovery. They found no difference in […]

5 Fantastic Health Benefits of Peppermint Tea: Are You Drinking Enough?

Peppermint tea is more than just plain delicious. It has been proven to have some fairly amazing health and beauty benefits. From the tips of your hair to the tips of your toes and everything in between, let peppermint tea bestow its healing powers on you! 1. Stress Relief When it comes to stress and […]

Safe Natural Alternatives to the Flu Shot

Pharmacies have already begun promoting walk-in flu shots for the “flu season”. The late and early months of each year seem to be when more of us catch colds and come down with the flu. So what measures can you take to ensure you are not sidelined with nagging colds or a debilitating flu episode? […]

Top Five Reasons to Label GMO Food

October has been designated Non-GMO Month, the month to focus on why we need to regulate genetically modified organisms (GMOs) closely. To further understand what GMOs are, go to www.nongmoproject.org.  Here are my five top reasons for why we must label GMO food! 1) The research proving the safety of GMOs is flawed. First, the […]

What to Eat When You’re Broke

The lower your income is, the more difficult it is to be particular about what you feed your family.  This probably isn’t an earth-shattering revelation to anyone, but if you feel like experimenting, try to buy a week’s worth of healthy food for a family on a budget of, say, $50-75.  Food manufacturers that target […]