Top 5 Best Organic Foods for Weight Loss
Many Americans struggle with maintaining a healthy weight and lifestyle. Many of them have even tried multiple diets and lifestyle changes only to become frustrated with their weight and give up. Eating certain organic foods can actually help you lose weight. Here are some organic foods that can help with weight loss and dieting. Free-Range […]
Lunch Ideas for Back to School
Back to school time is the perfect opportunity to start packing a healthier lunchbox with these healthy kids lunch recipes and kids snack ideas. Our easy lunches for kids are quick to pack, especially our bento lunchbox recipes. Pack our Pizza Roll-Up Bento lunch for a healthy kids lunch your child won’t be willing to […]
Glycemic Index 101
Curious what the glycemic index actually means and if it’s relevant to you? Find out here what it is and why you should keep it in mind when shopping and eating. Glycemic index and glycemic load offer information about how foods affect blood sugar and insulin. The lower a food’s glycemic index (or glycemic load), […]
30 Amazing Uses and Healing Powers of Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple Cider Vinegar is one of the most incredible healing tonics you will find anywhere, period. I’m not even exaggerating, I don’t have to. The results that you experience as you put it to use will demonstrate enough that you don’t need a “peer reviewed journal” to tell you that it’s a miracle juice. The […]
The Pros and Cons of a Juice Cleanse
A million dollar industry in America, it has as many fans as detractors. A juice cleanse or juice fasting involves limiting your diet to fresh vegetable and fruit juices plus water for a few days to a few weeks. Claims range from significant weight loss, clearer skin, bolstered immunity, body detoxification, and cancer prevention. What […]
Is Sugar Addiction Why So Many January Diets Fail?
We’ve survived the stretch between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day, when rich, sweet treats come at us non-stop. Now is the season of reform, when gym memberships, cleanse books and weight-loss plans sell like gangbusters. The cycle has become so predictable, and disheartening, as our collective motivation to change our ways dissolves by February like […]
Your Top 10 Superfoods
When it comes to ditching unwanted pounds, these key ingredients are as powerful as they are tasty. Add them to your plate to lose weight! Wild Salmon Slimming superpowers: The fish’s omega-3 fatty acids could help you fight flab more effectively. They alter the expression of certain genes, shifting your body to burn fat rather […]
Nut Butter Battle: Almond vs. Peanut
In recent years, almond butter was somehow anointed the chosen nut butter among health-conscious eaters, who smear it on their sprouted breads and gaze upon peanut butter as its low-brow relative. But the creamy almond treat is not cheap (it’s often about double the price of peanut), and when pressed, most people really can’t tell […]
5 Fantastic Health Benefits of Peppermint Tea: Are You Drinking Enough?
Peppermint tea is more than just plain delicious. It has been proven to have some fairly amazing health and beauty benefits. From the tips of your hair to the tips of your toes and everything in between, let peppermint tea bestow its healing powers on you! 1. Stress Relief When it comes to stress and […]
16 Superb Health Benefits of Cucumber
Pick a handful of firm, dark green cucumbers and pop them into your shopping basket. Congratulations! You have just bought yourself a fruit (yes, the cool cuke is fruit, not a vegetable) full of good health! Here is a short list of the impressive health benefits that a cucumber carries: Keeps you hydrated. If you […]
Is lettuce making Americans fat?
Guest post from Brad Shepherd of Fooduciary, via New Hope 360. The truth is, weight gain or loss is about much more than calories in and calories out. More important than the quantity of calories is the quality of calories and what those calories are saying to your body. The information shared to your genes […]