Best Herbs and Supplements for Stress Relief [Infographic]
Tired of living in the age of anxiety? Try one of these gentle, non-addictive remedies.
Home Remedies for Headache Treatment
Headaches, including migraines, are extremely common. Because headaches can stem from a variety of causes, some headache sufferers seek treatment on a near-daily basis. Fortunately, there are several home-remedy treatments that can help alleviate migraine pain and other types of headaches. Lavender Oil Not only does lavender smell great — it’s also a useful home […]
Effective Natural Remedies to Cure Spring Allergies
Spring allergy is commonly used to refer to hay fever, a seasonal allergic rhinitis attack experienced by more than 35 million Americans every year as the season changes and many allergens start to blossom – during springtime. As pollens scatter and travel through air, people as far as hundreds of miles away unknowingly sniff them, […]
Best and Worst Foods for Pain
Some research suggests that certain foods may affect rheumatoid arthritis symptoms. What you eat is crucial for so many conditions—such as diabetes—that it would be great if the right food could also help ease chronic pain. Unfortunately, the link between food and pain is not as clear. However, inflammation is a key cause of pain […]