Organic Onions Have More Antioxidants Than Conventional Ones
New six-year long stufy found organic onions have more antioxidants than conventional ones — yet another reason to buy organic. The Brief: A recent study in Ireland found more antioxidant activity and higher flavonol content in organic onions compared to conventionally grown ones, according to a recent article on New Hope Network. While it’s a […]
5 Studies That Link Science Behind the Benefits of Organic
Benefits to Public Health A new study published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health concluded that eating an organic diet can contribute to human well-being. The research was led by Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences-based Dr. Jan Johansson, who reviewed current research on the effect of organic agriculture and crops on […]
Pesticides and Potatoes: 3rd Grader’s Science Project Convinces Us to Choose Organic
Watch out world, the next generation of organic food activists is getting started young. Meet Elise. She’s here to show you through her 3nd grade science project (put together with the help of her grandmother) that potatoes and sweet potatoes may look healthy, but if they’re not organic, they could be doused with a scary, […]
Smaller But Better! Organic Tomatoes Pack More Nutritional Punch
Research results yield further proof that organic produce is endowed with enhanced nutritional properties. Organic tomatoes are 40 percent smaller in size and mass than their conventional cousins, but they pack in more nutritional compounds such as Vitamin C, lycopene and other phenolics, a new study has found. Researchers published their findings Wednesday in the […]