26 Vegan Recipes for Comfort Food
1. Butternut Squash Mac ‘n Cheeze: Two Ways Butternut squash pureed into macaroni and cheese just sounds like a match made in heaven, doesn’t it? It is also a fun way to sneak in another veggie. Get the recipe here. 2. Nirvana Enchilada Casserole Layers of corn tortilla sopping up spicy, fragrant, red sauce […]
27 Diagrams That Make Cooking so Much Easier
Including easy ingredient substitutions, basic knife skills, meat marinating times, and more. 1. For making your own vinaigrette Which you should be doing, instead of buying the bottled stuff. It’s healthier and tastier, and it’s really not hard. Here’s everything you need to know about building a better salad. 2. For making substitutions when you’re […]
Carrot + Zucchini Ribbons + Cilantro Pepita Pesto Recipe
[The Simple Veganista] I have a ton of pepitas (shelled pumpkin seeds) that I need to use up and thought this was a great way to use them. I also had some cilantro on hand and decided to use that. What I really love about cilantro, besides the lovely flavor, is that it’s available in […]