Farmacology: What Business Can Learn from Sustainable Farming
Medical and business communities can take surprising lessons from farming and improve employee well-being and productivity. Frustrated that conventional medicine had little to offer many of her patients, Daphne Miller, a practicing physician and professor of family medicine at the University of California at San Francisco, decided to take a look at how human health […]
Top 9 Health Benefits of Ginseng
Ginseng (Panax) is the name of the genus to which it belongs eleven species of medicinal plants. While in Europe the most famous Chinese ginseng, species of this genus grow in Korea, Vietnam, Siberia and the United States. Most widespread are three types of ginseng – Asian ginseng, called the devil bush (Panax ginseng), American […]
10 Supplements for a Good Night’s Rest
When you’re caught up in the daily whirlwind called life, it can be hard to fully unwind at day’s end, which in turn makes a good night’s sleep elusive. By some estimates, 40 million Americans suffer from chronic sleep problems, and it’s no wonder. We all can name countless stress culprits: work-related pressures, relationship issues, […]