Why to Support Labeling GM Foods
Many U.S. states have mandatory labeling of genetically modified foods on their legislative agendas. Survey after survey shows that more than 90 percent of us want GM foods to be labeled. Now is the time to contact your elected representatives and let them know you’re concerned about genetically modified food. Genes form the building blocks […]
Labeling GMO Crops [video]
The current issue isn’t about banning GMO crops in the United States, it’s about labeling them – a consumer’s right to know. We will work on getting them banned as our next step.
What To Takeaway From Prop 37’s Defeat
If you haven’t heard yet, California’s Proposition 37 did not pass, therefore there will be no mandatory labeling of genetically modified food, well….yet. The ballot initiative dramatically gained attention leading up to the vote as massive amounts of opposition commercials hit the airwaves. Corporations not supporting the initiative spent more than $46 million, compared to […]
Dr. Oz Officially Endorses GMO Labeling
Arguably the most influential health expert in the US, Dr. Mehmet Oz, has officially endorsed Proposition 37 in California, which makes GMO labeling on many (not all) food products. If this imitative passes in the state of California, it will set wheels in motion for all food companies nationwide. With only two weeks until the election, the […]