10 Incredible Vegan Recipes You Can Whip Up in 10 Minutes or Less
In today’s modern age of fast-pace everything, we tend to lose sight of what really matters — like quality, nutritious food, for instance. We aim for the convenient and least nutritious over the more healthier, wholesome (but longer to prepare) foods. Let’s take oatmeal for example: there’s the instant versus the slow-cooked oatmeal. The former is laden with sugar, salt, and other unnatural additives, while the latter is a bit longer to prepare, but contains little to no sodium or sugar (unless you decide to add them, of course) and has a myriad of benefits for you in the long run.
Translate that insight into other areas of a supermarket, such as the freezer aisle, and you’ve got yourself a unhealthy crisis. And, since we’ve learned that big food industries aren’t looking out for our best interests, it’s about time we say bye-bye to these processed food giants and make our own foods at home. Here are some easy tips to minimize your consumption of processed foods.
But, it will require time — lots of time that I don’t have, you might say. Nope! That’s only if you want to, of course, but home-cooking does not have to take hours away from your day. It’s all about planning. Know what you want to buy the week or weekend beforehand; designate a day of each week to plan what you want to have for the next. Your next step should be to go to market and bring a shopping list for ingredients you might not have for your upcoming recipes. It should be easy from here. Here are 5 secrets for making quick and healthy vegan meals at home. Just choose a recipe and get cracking! Here are 10 recipes made under 10 minutes or less to get your creative juices flowing: